Why a solo female traveler should go in switzerland
Kworld Trend / Why a solo female traveler should go in switzerland, The best friend or partner does not always have time for a holiday together. But why cancel the long-awaited trip? Traveling alone can be scary and liberating at the same time – especially as a woman. Together with our blogger Anja, we will show you the best tips and tricks for solo travel: what you should definitely have in your luggage, which countries are suitable for women traveling alone, how to meet new people on the way – and how to get your fear under control and can finally start.
Why a solo female traveler should go in switzerland
I still remember my first trip as a woman traveling alone: I was nineteen years old and had just graduated from high school. On a whim I had it in my head that I had to move to the south of France to work as a waitress in a hotel. Full of zest for action, I looked for a job there and initiated everything.
The day before I left, I packed my belongings with a rumbling in my stomach – but I didn’t want my parents to tell me that I was panicking. I didn’t know anyone locally, thousands of kilometers away from the well-known, my school French was miserable and WhatsApp, cell phones and Facetime calls were far from invented.
But there was no turning back: I wanted to prove that I could do it on my own and set off. A week later I called home crying and about to leave. I was totally overwhelmed. Within a week I needed to brush up on my French skills and was working full-time in what seemed like a boiling hot country for the first time in my life. My notorious shyness didn’t help me make new friends.
Chuckling, I spilled my heart out to my mother and explained theatrically that I didn’t have what it takes to be a globetrotter. For some reason, however, I felt I shouldn’t throw in the towel too soon. After all, Rome wasn’t built in a day.
I felt much better after my crying attack and my dear mother gave me the advice to come out more to find connection. A few days later I made new friends with nice colleagues and got more and more into the French “Je ne sais quoi”. Within a very short time I liked my new life so much that I stayed in the south of France for another whole year.
I wish someone had given me advice back then. Told me that it’s perfectly normal to feel overwhelmed in the first few days and want to slink off to the hotel room. That it’s okay to want to wait for perfect timing before your girlfriend is able to come along. After all, shared memories and laughing at blunders are what make a holiday worthwhile in the first place.
But why wait until someone has time for you? Sometimes the timing just doesn’t fit. Is that why you prefer to spend your holidays on balconies? Of course not! Anyone who has conquered their fears will attest that they felt wonderfully empowered afterwards. He made new friends, let himself out and learned that he is much stronger than he thought. Why a solo female traveler should go in switzerland