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Nepal Plane Crash: Passenger Filmed Tragedy on Smartphone

Searching for “who is Sonu Jaiswal video on twitter and reddit ?”, here what we know about him.


A tragic plane crash in Nepal on January 17th, 2023, resulted in the loss of 72 lives on board Yeti Airlines flight from Kathmandu to Pokhara. One of the passengers, Sonu Jaiswal, captured the final moments of the flight on his smartphone and livestreamed it on Facebook. The video shows the approach to the runway, the reactions of fellow passengers, and the final moments before the plane crashed. The cause of the crash is currently under investigation and authorities have sent the aircraft’s data recorder to France for analysis. The co-pilot, Anju Khatiwada, had lost her husband in a 2006 plane crash while flying for the same airline. This devastating incident has affected not only the families of the victims but also the entire nation.

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Sonu Jaiswal Video

A passenger on board Yeti Airlines flight from Kathmandu to Pokhara captured the final moments of the flight on his smartphone before the plane plummeted into a gorge, killing all 72 on board. The video, which was livestreamed on Facebook, shows the plane approaching the runway, with fellow passengers laughing and joking. Suddenly, the plane appears to veer to the left and the footage becomes shaky, capturing the screams of passengers and the sound of an engine before it ends with huge flames and smoke filling the frame.

Co-pilot Anju Khatiwada, who died in the crash, had pursued years of pilot training in the United States after her husband died in a 2006 plane crash while flying for the same airline. Her colleagues described her as a skilled pilot who was very motivated.

Who Was Sonu Jaiswal: A Look into the Life of the Passenger Who Filmed Nepal’s Tragic Plane Crash

Sonu Jaiswal was one of the 72 passengers on board Yeti Airlines flight from Kathmandu to Pokhara that tragically crashed on January 17th, 2023. He was also one of the few passengers who captured the final moments of the flight on his smartphone and livestreamed it on Facebook. The video he captured provided a glimpse into the horror and confusion that ensued before the crash.

Not much is known about Jaiswal’s personal life, but it is reported that he was a father of three children and worked at a local liquor store in Alawalpur Afga village in Uttar Pradesh state’s Ghazipur district. He had gone to Kathmandu to visit Pashupatinath temple, a Hindu shrine dedicated to the god Shiva, and pray for a son, before setting off to Pokhara for sightseeing along with three other friends. His family was left in distress, waiting to identify his body and come to terms with their loss

Tragic Pattern in Nepal

The deaths of Khatiwada and passenger Sonu Jaiswal are part of a deadly pattern in Nepal, a country that has seen a series of air crashes over the years, in part due to difficult terrain, bad weather, and aging fleets. On Tuesday, authorities began returning some identified bodies to family members and said they were sending the ATR 72-500 aircraft’s data recorder to France for analysis to determine what caused the crash.

Sonu Jaiswal’s Family in Distress

In India’s Ghazipur city, nearly 430 kilometers (270 miles) south of the crash site in Nepal, Jaiswal’s family was distraught and still waiting to identify his body. His father, Rajendra Prasad Jaiswal, had boarded a car to Kathmandu on Monday evening and was expected to reach Nepal’s capital late Tuesday. “It’s a tough wait,” said Jaiswal’s brother, Deepak Jaiswal.

Jaiswal, a father of three children, worked at a local liquor store in Alawalpur Afga village in Uttar Pradesh state’s Ghazipur district. Deepak said his brother had gone to Kathmandu to visit Pashupatinath temple, a Hindu shrine dedicated to the god Shiva, and pray for a son, before setting off to Pokhara for sightseeing along with three other friends. “He was not just my brother,” Deepak said. “I have lost a friend in him.”

The tragedy was felt deeply in Nepal, where 53 passengers were locals. Hundreds of relatives and friends of the victims consoled each other Tuesday at a local hospital. Families of some victims whose bodies have been identified prepared funerals for their loved ones.

Co-pilot Khatiwada’s colleagues, however, were still in disbelief. “She was a very good pilot and very experienced,” Yeti Airlines spokesperson Pemba Sherpa said of Khatiwada.


The Nepal plane crash on January 17th, 2023, has resulted in the loss of 72 lives and left many families and friends in mourning. The passenger’s video captured the final moments of the flight, providing a glimpse into the horror and confusion that ensued before the crash.

The cause of the crash is still under investigation and authorities are analyzing the aircraft’s data recorder to determine what led to the tragic incident. The co-pilot, Anju Khatiwada, had lost her husband in a 2006 plane crash while flying for the same airline.

Nepal has a history of air crashes due to difficult terrain, bad weather, and aging fleets. The nation grieves for the victims and their families and hopes for a thorough investigation to bring closure and prevent future tragedies.


  • What caused the Nepal plane crash that killed all 72 on board?
    • The cause of the crash is currently under investigation and authorities have sent the aircraft’s data recorder to France for analysis.
  • Who were the victims of the crash?
    • The victims were passengers and crew on board Yeti Airlines flight from Kathmandu to Pokhara. The co-pilot, Anju Khatiwada, had lost her husband in a 2006 plane crash while flying for the same airline.
  • How did the passenger capture the final moments of the flight on his smartphone?
    • The passenger, Sonu Jaiswal, livestreamed the flight on Facebook, capturing the approach to the runway, the reactions of fellow passengers, and the final moments before the plane crashed.

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