
who is lord mayor of london wiki ?

who is the mayor of london

who is lord mayor of london wiki.

The roles of the Lord Mayor and the Mayor of London are often confused. They are complementary, but have a completely different mission.

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The Lord Mayor of London is the Mayor of the City of London and the leader of the City of London Corporation. Within the city, the mayor is given precedence over all individuals except the sovereign. and retains various traditional powers, rights and privileges, including the title and style The Right Honorable Lord Mayor of London.

One of the world’s oldest continuously elected civic offices, it is entirely separate from the directly elected Mayor of London, a political office that controls a budget covering the much larger area of ​​Greater London.

The Corporation of London changed its name to the City of London Corporation in 2006, and as a result the title Lord Mayor of the City of London was introduced, to avoid confusion with the Mayor of London. However, the legal and commonly used title remains Lord Mayor of London. The Mayor is elected every year at Michaelmas in Common Hall, and takes office on the Friday before the second Saturday in November, at The Silent Ceremony. The mayoral show is held on the day after taking office; the mayor, preceded by a procession, travels to the Royal Courts of Justice at the Strand to swear allegiance to the sovereign before the Justices of the High Court.

The Lord Mayor, Nicholas Lyons

The Lord Mayor of the City of London is the head of the City of London Corporation, the Square Mile’s governing body dedicated to a vibrant and thriving city, supporting a diverse and sustainable London within a globally successful UK.

Elected annually, the Lord Mayor of the City of London is an international ambassador for the UK’s financial and professional services sector. Find out more about the current Lord Mayor, Nicholas Lyons.

who is lord mayor of london wiki

As part of this, London’s 694th mayor will push for the creation of a British pension fund that he believes could rival sovereign wealth funds such as those from the Middle East or Norway. “This is really about the long-term financial health of this country and the long-term financial future of retirees,” he said.

“We need to create a scheme where 30- to 35-year-olds put money aside to give them a good pension pot. Everyone’s [defined contribution] pension must have 5 percent invested in this fund. Then everyone has a stake in the future of these British companies, everyone will benefit if they succeed.

The UK already created the largest number of tech “unicorns” – companies worth more than £1 billion – in Europe, he said, but failed to keep them in the country as they grew.

“For decades, we’ve produced so many early-stage companies that have been successful and built,” he said. “Yet the intellectual property, and the people and the value, have migrated — that’s the biggest loss of productivity that this economy is facing. And no one has addressed that problem.”

Lord Mayor, City of London twitter

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