
What planet was the Death Star above in the Andor finale?

Post What planet was the Death Star above in the finale of Endor? It first appeared in Ready Steady Cut.

Andor’s final episode shows Ferrix explosively protesting, but the episode’s post credits reveal something far more sinister. Build the Death Star, the superweapon that causes terror. But which planet was the Death Star above in the end of Endor? Spoilers on Indore episode 12.

The first season of Andor It ended with the citizens of Ferix attempting to rise up against the Empire, having been inspired by Maarva’s call to action. this is Jaw-dropping final episode It’s a fitting release of the tension built up over the entire season. But a post-credits scene reveals a sinister horror lurking in the darkness of space, being quietly built. The Death Star appears, but the planet above it is unknown.

What planet is above the death star?

Although the Death Star is synonymous with it star WarsThe story of its Disney-era construction is still being told. Rogue One Not all of this connected to the construction phase was shown to the public, only the installation of the super laser dish and very little else. The Rogue One Prequel novel catalyst He goes into its construction much further, and reveals that for some time the station was built on top of the planet Geonosis.

But this will not be the case for its entire construction. At a point still unknown and for an as yet unknown reason, the Death Star build was moved to a new system, as the system’s audience saw in Andor. This system appears to have a planet with tropical blue oceans, which likely means the base is being built above scarf.

Scarif is indicated in Episode 4 of Andor. ISB supervisor Lonni Jung requests that there be an increase in construction shipments going to the planet, but he doesn’t say why. Scarif is located in the Abrion sector on the outside of the frame and is a major junction point with access to many different super lanes.

The implication here is that building materials are being sent to Scarif for a massive project, and that the tropical blue oceans seen in the post-credits scene would line up with the planet’s tropical climate.

Will the Death Star be in Endor season 2?

With the final episode ending with that ominous shot, it’s likely that Season 2 of Andor It will include the Death Star in a larger role. Cassian may investigate what he’s been building in the prison, which sets the rebellion on the path to discovering that something is being built. Rogue One He asserts that the rebels know the Imperials are doing something, they just don’t know what. This would make an excellent introduction to a spy story.

It may also appear in the imperial line. Perhaps they are plugging information leaks, trying to cover up what’s going on. It may also contain characters such as Krennic Manager Trying to get superlaser to work. The Empire struggled to do so, which the audience found out Rogue One.

Andor and the Death Star are, of course, related. His latest rebellion is to steal the station’s blueprints, and his death comes at the hands of the superlaser. This link can be seen further with the similarities between the title sequence and the post-credits final shot. In the title sequence, the Rebel Alliance symbol appears above Andor, emerging from the darkness as the moon. The last shot shows the Death Star in shadow, in a similar position to the Alliance symbol.

Were the prisoners at Narkyna 5 building blocks for the Death Star?

The post-credits sequence also confirms what The prisoners were building in Narkina 5. As the camera pans out, the robots on the boards can be seen taking the knuckles out of the prison and putting them into the grips of the boards. The audience gets a taste of just how many of these joints are required, as the camera continues to zoom out to reveal the gigantic structure.

The Empire used slaves and prison labor to build other parts of the Death Star. in catalystThen the Republic and then the Empire enslaved the Geonosians to build the Temple itself. The Empire also used Wookiee slaves.

There was earlier speculation that prisoners were building Death Star parts, but the latest episode of Andor confirm it. The Revolution on Narkina 5 It also didn’t slow down production on the space station, despite the Empire losing about 5,000 workers.

Do you have a different theory as to which planet the Death Star was towering over in the finale of Endor? Let us know in the comments.

Additional reading:

  • How has Donald Trump inspired Andor?
  • Upcoming Star Wars shows and movies in 2023 and beyond

Post What planet was the Death Star above in the finale of Endor? It first appeared in Ready Steady Cut.

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