
what is chspsc llc letter scam

What is CHSPSC LLC letter scam?

Hello, I’m James Charles, an expert in cybersecurity.

In this blog post, I’m going to share with you some important information about a recent data breach that may affect you or someone you know.

CHSPSC LLC is a company that provides services to hospitals and clinics affiliated with Community Health Systems, Inc., one of the largest hospital operators in the US.

CHSPSC LLC recently filed a notice of data breach with the Maine Attorney General’s Office after it learned that a cybersecurity incident at one of its vendors, Fortra, exposed patient information to unauthorized access.

According to the notice, the incident occurred between January 28, 2023, and January 30, 2023, when Fortra experienced a cyberattack that resulted in the unauthorized disclosure of personal information.

Fortra took its systems offline to stop the access and notified CHSPSC LLC on February 2, 2023. CHSPSC LLC then launched an investigation and confirmed that information belonging to patients, a limited number of employees, and other individuals was accessible to the unauthorized party.

The information that was compromised included full names, Social Security numbers, addresses, dates of birth, medical billing and insurance information, and medical information such as diagnoses and medication.

CHSPSC LLC began sending out data breach notification letters to all individuals who were impacted by the incident on March 8, 2023.

If you received a letter from CHSPSC LLC informing you of the data breach, you may be wondering what it means and what you should do next.

Here are some answers to some common questions you may have:

What is a data breach?

  • A data breach is an unauthorized access or disclosure of personal or confidential information that may result in harm or loss to the individuals whose information was affected.

What are the risks of a data breach?

  • A data breach can expose you to various risks, such as identity theft, fraud, phishing, blackmail, or medical identity theft.
    • Identity theft is when someone uses your personal information to open accounts, apply for loans, or make purchases in your name.
    • Fraud is when someone uses your financial information to steal money from your accounts or make unauthorized transactions.
    • Phishing is when someone sends you emails or texts pretending to be a legitimate entity and asks you to provide sensitive information or click on malicious links.
    • Blackmail is when someone threatens to expose your personal or embarrassing information unless you pay them money or do something for them.
    • Medical identity theft is when someone uses your medical information to obtain health care services or benefits in your name.

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What should I do if I received a letter from CHSPSC LLC?

If you received a letter from CHSPSC LLC notifying you of the data breach, you should take the following steps to protect yourself and your information:

  • Review the letter carefully and follow any instructions or recommendations it provides.
    • Contact CHSPSC LLC at (833) 903-3647 if you have any questions or concerns about the data breach or the letter.
  • Monitor your credit reports and bank statements for any suspicious activity or errors. You can get a free credit report from each of the three major credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion) once a year at
  • Consider placing a fraud alert or a credit freeze on your credit reports.
    • A fraud alert tells creditors to verify your identity before opening new accounts or making changes to existing ones.
    • A credit freeze prevents creditors from accessing your credit reports without your permission.
    • You can place a fraud alert or a credit freeze by contacting each of the three credit bureaus.
  • Change your passwords and security questions for any online accounts that may have been affected by the data breach.
    • Use strong and unique passwords that are not easy to guess or crack.
    • Do not use the same password for multiple accounts or share it with anyone else.
  • Be wary of any emails, texts, calls, or letters that claim to be from CHSPSC LLC, Fortra, Community Health Systems, Inc., or any other entity related to the data breach.
    • Do not provide any personal or financial information or click on any links or attachments unless you are sure they are legitimate and secure.
    • If you are unsure about the authenticity of a communication, contact the sender directly using a verified phone number or email address.


  • The CHSPSC LLC letter scam is not a scam per se, but a legitimate notice of a data breach that occurred at one of its vendors, Fortra.
  • However, this does not mean that you should ignore it or take it lightly. If you received a letter from CHSPSC LLC, you should take immediate action to protect yourself and your information from the risks of identity theft, fraud, phishing, blackmail, or medical identity theft.
  • Follow the instructions and recommendations provided in the letter, monitor your credit reports and bank statements, consider placing a fraud alert or a credit freeze on your credit reports, change your passwords and security questions for online accounts, and be wary of any suspicious communications.

Stay informed and vigilant to avoid becoming a victim of cybercrime.

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