
Under the Queen’s Umbrella season 1, episode 11 recap – who becomes the Crown Prince?

The Post Under the Queen’s Umbrella Season 1 Episode 11 Recap – Who Becomes the Crown Prince? It first appeared in Ready Steady Cut.

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We recap the Netflix K-Drama series Under the Queen’s Umbrella Season 1, Episode 11, which contains spoilers.

It was a slight surprise the next day Crown Determined in this episode of under the queen’s umbrella‘, but perhaps it’s an indication of the show’s dedication to making sure no story is too long. The results weren’t the most surprising, but the process of getting to this point was presented with real ingenuity. From here, it will be interesting to see how things play out with Seongnam taking on the new responsibility.

Under the Queen’s Umbrella Season 1, Episode 11 recap

Such as king The last part begins taekhyeonEntrusting the would-be crown prince with asking what he would demand of the candidates if they were on the throne, he found an interesting criticism by Seongnam. Some people deal with Ouichang (described as an organization that hoards excess grain for relief), believing that it actually causes more suffering than benefits due to its corrupt nature. As such, the king asks the three men sitting in front of him to discuss “the cause of Uychang’s decline” and to think of ways to improve the situation.

next one, Consort Hwang And the Won hyung Worry about the additional materials that will be used in the final evaluation. Understanding this means that the king still evaluates the candidates privately. Elsewhere, the queen She was calm despite hearing that her son is progressing in taekwondo, mostly because she is interested in how people know this information even though the scholars are not meant to contact others. Queen Dowager Chumeanwhile, is angry cause Minister Yoon Let’s vow that he will try to “convince the fathers of scholars who have remained neutral” to Prince Bogum.

Or not, Su Gwang He meets with Ijojeongrang (a man who controls the three censorship offices, and head of the department of the Ministry of Personnel), and then other officials, all for the purpose of wooing them in exchange for Prince Bogum’s support. After all, lofty promises to hear “good news when there are personnel changes” are tempting to people who don’t have much clout right now.

Hearing this, Premier Won Heung set to work. He threatens those who might betray him, firm in his belief that this will pay off in the end Prince Uiseong. Naturally, all the information quickly ends up with the Queen, who “deliberately” decides to let her opponents compete directly with each other. “If the votes are split between Prince Uiseong and Prince Bogum, Grand Prince Seongnam might benefit,” she theorizes. however, Hwa Ryung Concerned about confidential communications taking place about the assessment, noting an impending “crisis” of the volatility of scientific opinion. Then the Queen bluntly said: “The Queen Dowager will be very busy.”

Suddenly, a scholar feigning illness reports the bad news to Consort Huang. Prince Uiseong gets left behind in Taehyeon thanks to the exposure of his records of the assault (as well as an attempted cover-up), causing the concubine to resort to visiting the Queen Dowager. Here, she, along with Won Heung, asks the eldest to support Uiseong, afraid that someone else will become the new crown prince. “No better,” replied Cho, before teasing her that she would eventually have to choose between Prince Uiseong and Prince Bogum to ensure that Grand Prince Seongnam did not become heir to the throne.

However, Queen Dowager Chu soon made up her mind and asked directly Consort Tay and her son to withdraw from Altekhion. Enraged, the concubine reminds the elder of her promise to support Bogeom, only to receive the harsh comment that this has been done, “But now I must bring him down.” “If you drop out now, I’ll at least spare your life,” says Cho, later explaining that she never considered Bogum as a potential crown prince, but rather a tool for upgrading Uiseong. Thus, Consort Tai’s son had already decided to drop out.

After a flashback is shown, Consort Hwang promises Queen Dowager Chu that she will become queen if she supports Uiseong, we watch as Hwa-ryeong receives word of what happened in Taecheon. Her Majesty the Queen remains calm in the face of this news, despite declaring that she will not accept losing Grand Prince Seongnam in this way. Therefore, the Queen intervenes in scientific activities to find evidence of misconduct, recover several secret notes on corruption, and then expose them. Afterwards, Hwa-ryong says that the scholars are “selling” their chance to become professors, and she swings them with pieces of paper instead of keeping the trust given to them.

Once the Queen gives the scientists one last chance to preserve integrity, burning the secret letters on her way out of the building, she lies to the King, apologizing that she can’t seem to find any evidence. His Majesty is well aware of what has happened, but those presiding over the taichi have formally cut off contact with those outside the room until a decision can be reached.

In the midst of the final debate between Seongnam and Uiseong, Bogeom comes to the Queen at her request. His Majesty informs the prince that his mother will be punished, which we see through her banishment from a wife to a court servant. “You deserve the death penalty,” explains the Queen, “but I am only demoting you because you are the mother of Prince Bogum.” Later scenes show how harshly Tai is now treated, especially considering that no one could give her even the slightest bit of help.

Over time, ex-consort Tai ends up sleeping while she works. However, when she awakens, the Queen is kind, embracing apologies and offering advice on a mother’s duty to make sure her child is on safe paths. A flashback shows Hwa-ryong giving Bogum similar advice on purity, telling him to think about how he tried to become crown prince. This, and the Queen wants her consort Tai’s son to continue helping the next crown prince to prove his worth. “It’s good to show you’re hurting,” Her Majesty later said, kindly helping Bogeom understand his life better during their open conversation about luxury.

After Consort Tai becomes emotionally reconciled with her crying son, the Queen admits that the palace would be boring without an exotic concubine and that she makes her smile. Elsewhere, Queen Dowager Chu is disturbed that the scholars have had a change of heart when Her Majesty spoke to them, though she is still determined to have Prince Uiseong become the next crown prince. However, Minister Yun is more concerned about the Grand Elder’s manipulation of Prince Bogum’s ambitions, believing that he might end up betrayed when he is deemed to be no longer useful. With this, Cho assures the official that he’s different, since his daughter (whom we’ll soon see waxing lyrical about Grand Prince Seongnam’s affection for her) will be the next crown princess.

Afterwards, the king revealed the assessments made by the scholars during the final assessment of the Alkheon. Or at least they are supposed to be, until Won Heung interrupts the proceedings by claiming that Grand Prince Seongnam is not of royal blood. Therefore, at the request of the other officials, His Majesty proceeded to clear up the rumors. However, the process is arcane, as we see that Consort Huang interfered with the blood collection test by adding poison to ensure it did not mix.

Fortunately, the Queen is privy to the tampering, and later proves that the water was tampered with by testing the blood of Won Heung and his daughter, Consort Hwang. As such, Hwa-ryeong enlists the Dowager Queen of Cho to inspect her grandchildren’s ears to discover the hereditary ear-bone property that establishes paternity, a task that definitively shows that Grand Prince Seongnam is of royal blood.

In the climax, the Queen explains why Seongnam had to spend time outside the palace in his childhood (it was due to rumors of his “improper pregnancy” during the mourning period for the former king), and accepts that her lack of a previous explanation led to what happened today. “The only reason I condoned this ridiculous test was to put an end to the controversy caused by a false rumour,” His Majesty detailed, before adding a note that any further suspicions about his son’s origins would be treated as slander.

Later, the Queen is rebuffed in her attempts to apologize to Grand Prince Seongnam, as he does not believe there is a reason for it. “Look at me now. Wasn’t I much better than the naive princes who grew up in the palace taking cover?” he adds with a smile. Meanwhile, the king officially declared Grand Prince Seongnam the new crown prince.

Under the Queen’s Umbrella season 1 episode 11 ends

Frustrated, Won Heung cannot believe that his family has “lost the crown” to Grand Prince Seongnam. However, Uiseong was not wrong, pointing out that not every crown prince becomes king, and then orders his allies to bring down his rival, “by any means possible.” Hwang obliges, believing that what was done once can be done again. There remains one sticking point. Seo Ham-deok must be dealt with, as Uiseong implied that he is a threat to his position due to his awareness of the royal family’s act of murder. Soon after, we see the shady pseudo-monk actually visited by Doctor Kwon.

Elsewhere, the queen reflects on her deceased son while collecting the crown prince’s outfit to present to Seongnam. “I think I have fulfilled the promise I made to you to a certain extent,” she tells, as she begins preparations to clear the late King’s chamber. Next, we watch the new crown prince receive his updated outfit, and the episode ends with a shot of his crucial look.

What do you think of Under the Queen’s Umbrella Season 1, Episode 11? Comment below.

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The Post Under the Queen’s Umbrella Season 1 Episode 11 Recap – Who Becomes the Crown Prince? It first appeared in Ready Steady Cut.

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