
The Swimmers ending explained – what happened to Sara and Yusra?

Explanation after the swimmers finished – What happened to Sarah and Yusra? It first appeared in Ready Steady Cut.

We discuss the ending of the Netflix movie The Swimmers that will contain spoilers. What happened to Sarah and Yousra? Let’s dig deeper.

This is a powerful and eye-opening movie based on an incredible true story. While the ending feels a little rushed, it’s a positive conclusion to a tragic story. Their entire journey is a dark slap in the face reminder of what people are currently going through to find peace and refuge in a new home, in a new part of the world because their current country is at war. This movie is an emotional piece and a must watch.

The movie begins in 2011, in Damascus, as the sun is rising, everyone is having fun around the pool, and families are enjoying a holiday. In the pool two girls holding their breath, Sarah and Yusra timing themselves. We cut girls at a family party, dance, sing, eat and have fun. It’s a bright, colorful, hopeful start to the movie.

Four years later, the girls are dancing and partying on a rooftop bar, to the song “Titanium,” and while they’re dancing, in the background you can see and hear explosions. It is simple yet very effective in the realities of their situation. that Syria is at war, and that they are young girls full of hope and trying to live a better life.

Sarah wants to leave, follow her friends, and flee to Germany for refuge, and Yousra dreams of being in the Olympic Games. As their father is against the idea, he changes his mind when the girls compete and the pool area is bombed, nearly killing two people and his daughter Yusra. Now, with his blessing, the girls set off on their journey to Germany.

As the movie goes on, we watch them travel, and see how they are manipulated into paying for travel on a catamaran. The raft is full of people, and no one is driving them.

On the raft, it slowly begins to sink, the passengers are forced to throw their belongings into the sea, and we see Yusra throw her medals into the sea and watch her slowly disappear. Since the boat is still sinking, and the engine is not running, Sarah is the first to throw herself into the sea and start swimming. Yusra follows in her older sister’s footsteps and they swim together and pull the boat. As they try, they hear their father’s voice say “find your path, swim your race” which gives them the resolve to keep going. While this part of the movie is not very long, it is very disturbing and full of tension.

When they finally see land and pull the raft to it, there is a powerful image of the sisters lying in the water holding each other. On the shores of Greece, there is a widening aerial shot of a beach covered in hundreds, if not thousands of life jackets from former refugees. Then as they march through Greece they are treated like scum, ignored and abandoned, until they find a refugee camp, where they can get food, water, and shelter.

All members of the group travel and walk hundreds of miles together to reach the next leg of their journey. They meet a stranger who tells them to put them all in a monster truck and take them to Hungary. This does not happen and they are thrown in the middle of nowhere, with no idea where they are. Once again, they meet another stranger, who asks to take them to Budapest. The sisters are separated as they get into different cars, so there is only one English speaker for each car. This is stressful and intense to watch them reach the limits.

The sisters are reunited, and from Budapest they are taken by truck to Germany. Here’s where they say goodbye to the friends they’ve made along the way. It’s very touching and sad.

Yusra, Sarah and their cousin are in a hotel, and for the first time in a long time they feel safe and reflect on their journey so far. This relief does not last long because they need to continue. The last task is to take a bus to Germany. When they arrive, everyone sings and cheers, filled with much comfort and hope.

Slow motion shot of the three of them dancing and then crying in each other’s arms. We jumped in two months later and we’re still in a refugee camp, watching Russia bomb their homeland on TV.

Yusra, using what she can in training, works to the music of Cia’s “Unstoppable”. Then she takes herself to a local pool to train, where they train twice a day, except on Sundays. Their new coach, Sven, helps them by providing them with a room and swimming equipment. The movie takes a more positive turn, as we see Yousra rehearsing and trying, with the aim of getting it straight, to give her life a structure and direction.

Yousra is going to Rio! Sarah decides she is going back to Lesbos to help the other refugees crossing.

Explanation of the Netflix movie The End of the Swimmers

The final 20 minutes of the film see Yusra traveling to Rio, and shots of the first ever Refugee Olympic Team. Snapshots from the opening ceremony. The bright lights, the excitement, and then flashbacks to Yusra’s trauma at sea. Sara surprises her sister in Rio, showing her a video from her family and friends she met on her trip, giving her one last inspirational boost to win a medal for everyone.

We watch Ursa swim and win a medal. Final shots of the sisters playing in the sea and laughing together. A great comparison to the first shots in the movie of the girls playing in a swimming pool. This brotherly bond is strong and she has gone through more than any of us can imagine going through and staying alive.

The finale shows audiences that hope, determination, and kindness are what we need to be successful; Refugees are people with hopes and dreams who should be helped and not discouraged or ignored. People are capable of incredible things, all they need is chance. I hope that this film will make people aware of the problems refugees face, and that we will provide them with more help.

Facts about the real sisters and refugees are played out before the credits roll. Important and relevant information, just to give the movie one last push.

What do you think of the ending of the Netflix movie The Swimmers? Comment below.

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  • The Swimmers movie review

Explanation after the swimmers finished – What happened to Sarah and Yusra? It first appeared in Ready Steady Cut.

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