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Tennessee police scandal video leaked on twitter

Kworld trend / Tennessee police scandal video leaked on twitter, Link to full video of gymnastics master Olivia Dunn goes viral – Good afternoon. Very controversial video of famous American football player Antonio Brown. And currently circulating on the Internet, shows him revealing himself in front of guests in the pool. This video has got millions of views so far and it shows his butt in a 30 second video.

Tennessee police scandal on twitter

Tennessee Police Scandal Video Leaked On Twitter And Reddit, 5 Officers Suspended Sack

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4 Tennessee police officers have been fired and 2 suspended over a scandal, which involved a married white female cop engaging in degrading behavior. Such as performing *** on police headquarters, and hosting “Girls Gone Wild” type parties‼️

5 law enforcement officials in Tennessee have been fired, and three others have been suspended after the s*x*al intercourse scandal. Eight LA officers were disciplined earlier this week following an internal investigation into studies of a number of encounters with members of the second shift, according to NBC affiliate WSMV.

However, the investigation discovered that Officer Megan Corridor had severed ties with a number of officers on her shift, both on and off duty. In line with WSMV and CBS affiliate WTVF, Corridor and 4 different officers – Sgt. Lewis Powell. Sgt. Henry Ty McGowan, Detectives Seneca Shields and Juan Lugo—Officer Perez—are fired for their position in the scandal.

Additionally, officers Patrick Magliocco, Larry Holladay, and Gavin Schweberl were suspended for this. The La Vergne Police Department did not immediately respond to a request for comment. NEVER MISS A STORY – Sign up for PEOPLE’s free daily e-newsletter to find what people have to offer. From attention-grabbing movie-star info to compelling human tales.

Olivia Dunn head gymnastics

An investigation into the police’s conduct began Dec. 12, According to an LVPD investigation report obtained and shared by WMSV.


In addition, Officers Patrick Magliocco, Larry Holladay, and Gavin Schweberle have been suspended. Requests for comment from the Laverne Police. Department were not immediately responded to. Avoid losing a story.

In response to an LVPD investigation report that WMSV had purchased and published. An investigation into procured police misconduct began on December 12.

The investigation reportedly began after sources from the city’s human resources department. Learned of Corridor’s alleged relationship with several of her colleagues. In response to the investigation, the officers allegedly attended soccer events, drove drunk, kissed Corridor and her wives, and talked about threesomes.

One of the many contacts is believed to have originated while shifting together at NFL recreation. While another is believed to have occurred at a motel after visiting Karting. America Middle, while the cops usually hang out communally.


Aboard one event, referred to in the report as a “hot tub rally.” The Corridor’s bikini hike is said to have ended here, while she and others consumed themselves on Sergeant Eric Starrs’ houseboat. There are also rumors of scandal encounters taking place inside the ship’s lavatories.

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