
rlb trading app scam review

RLB Trading App Scam Exposed: Don’t Fall for This Deceptive Scheme

In the quest for making money online, people often stumble upon several platforms that claim to offer high returns on investments. However, not all of these platforms are legitimate, and RLB Trading App is a prime example of a fraudulent scheme. Let’s delve deeper into this app to understand why you should avoid it at all costs.

What is RLB Trading App?

RLB Trading App is a mobile application that supposedly allows users to trade various assets such as cryptocurrencies, stocks, commodities, and forex. According to its website, the app uses advanced algorithms and artificial intelligence to generate profits for its users. It promises up to 30% daily returns on investments with minimal risk.

How Does RLB Trading App Work?

Users are required to register an account on the app and deposit a minimum of $100 to get started. The app then assigns them a trader who will supposedly manage their funds and make profitable trades for them. Users can monitor their account balance and withdraw their earnings at any time.

Why is RLB Trading App a Scam?

RLB Trading App is a fraudulent scheme that operates using deceptive marketing tactics and false promises. Here are some of the reasons why you should stay away from this app:

Lack of Transparency

The app does not provide any information about its owners, developers, or traders. There is no contact information or customer support available on the app’s website or social media pages. The app also does not disclose any details about its trading strategies, fees, or risks involved.

Unrealistic Returns

The app claims to offer up to 30% daily returns on investments, which is impossible in any legitimate trading market. No trading system can guarantee such high profits without exposing users to high losses as well. Moreover, the app does not provide any proof or verifiable records of its trading performance or user testimonials.

Pyramid Scheme

The app operates as a pyramid scheme where early investors are paid with the money from later investors. The app encourages users to invite more people to join the platform and earn commissions from their referrals. However, this is unsustainable and will eventually collapse when there are no more new investors joining.

Withdrawal Issues

Many users have reported that they were unable to withdraw their money from the app. The app either delays or denies withdrawal requests without giving any valid reasons. Some users have also claimed that they were asked to pay additional fees or taxes before they could access their funds.


RLB Trading App is a fraudulent scheme that should be avoided at all costs. It is not a reliable or trustworthy platform for trading or investing online. Don’t fall for its fake promises and don’t invest your hard-earned money in this deceptive scheme.


1. Is RLB Trading App a legitimate platform?

No, RLB Trading App is a fraudulent scheme that uses deceptive marketing tactics and false promises to lure unsuspecting victims into its trap.

2. What kind of returns does RLB Trading App promise?

RLB Trading App promises up to 30% daily returns on investments, which is impossible in any legitimate trading market.

3. Can users withdraw their earnings from RLB Trading App?

Many users have reported that they were unable to withdraw their money from the app. The app either delays or denies withdrawal requests without giving any valid reasons.

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