anime &manga
My dog becomes a human chapter 1 manga

Kworld Trend / My dog becomes a human chapter 1 manga
My dog becomes a human chapter 1
- 犬がヒトになる話 • Inu ga Hito ni Naru Hanashi
- Origination: Manga
- Demographic:
- Published: 2023
- Status: Ongoing
- Translation: Unknown
- Ranked: N/A
- Followed by 289 users
- Genres : Comedy, Slice of life
One day, the pet dogs of this city suddenly became humans. The story follows the life of Saki’s owner, and her dog, Punta
My Dog Becomes a Human summary:
One day, pet dogs in this town suddenly become human being. The story follows the life of Saki, owner, and Ponta, her dog.