
Microservices and containers security holes in the racket

Microservices and containers security holes in the racket, Today’s software is a mosaic: different services and features are responsible for offering different capabilities. To make this complex software flexible and flexible, development companies often use microservices and containers. In a survey conducted by Statista in 2021, 34% of respondents said they had adopted microservices, and 37% stated that they had partially used microservices, proving the popularity of this development approach.

Security eyelets for delicate services and containers in the paddle

Although the microservices approach has many benefits including ease of scaling and management, it also hides some security concerns, such as potential vulnerabilities and connectivity risks. Knowing the expected cyber security risks and how to address them before starting the development process will help you create a reliable and secure product.

In this article, we note the security challenges in container-based architectures and microservices that may arise when developing applications. We also offer 11 mini-services and container security best practices. This article will be useful for those who want to efficiently improve the security of their products and those who are new to containers and microservices.

What are containers and microservices? | Microservices and containers security holes in the racket

Containers and microservices are popular approaches to application development, especially for complex solutions. O’Reilly’s Microservices Adoption Report 2020  shows that 77% of respondents have adopted microservices, with 92% having success with this approach. Moreover, respondents who used containers to deploy microservices were more likely to report success than those who did not.

Before we discuss how security is implemented in microservices and containers, let’s explore what exactly these approaches are and what benefits they bring to the application development process.

A container  is a form of virtualization that enables you to run applications in isolated spaces called containers that use the same common operating system (OS). While virtualization allows multiple operating systems to run on a single physical server hardware, containerization allows you to deploy multiple applications using the same operating system on a single virtual machine or server.

Containers , also known as application containers or server application containers, are executable units of software that contain application code along with its libraries and dependencies. According to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the fact that application containers are isolated from each other but still share the resources of the underlying operating system makes it easier for developers to efficiently scale applications across the cloud.

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Fit micro-service and container safety eyelets into the paddle

A microservices architecture, or simply microservices, is an architectural approach to application development in which a single application consists of many independent microservices.

Microservices are self-deployable, allowing you to improve application code, add new features, and scale each service much more easily than with a monolithic architecture. With microservices, you can update an existing service without rebuilding and redistributing the entire application.

Each service represents a separate database, so it can be managed by a small development team. The microservices architecture simplifies the creation and maintenance of complex applications, but it is not suitable for small applications.

Microservices are loosely coupled, so if one service fails, the rest continue to run. Improved fault tolerance for the entire application. Moreover, it supports multilingual programming, which means that services do not need to share the same technology stack, libraries, or frameworks. Microservices and containers security holes in the racket

You can use containers and microservices separately or together. Because in this article we are discussing security practices for developing applications that use both approaches. Let’s briefly explore how containers and microservices can be combined.

last | Microservices and containers security holes in the racket

In simple terms, a container encapsulates a lightweight runtime environment for an application. So when a microservice is developed inside a container. It inherits container benefits such as portability, scalability, and additional layers of security. Containers provide isolation for each containerized application or microservice. Thus, they reduce the risk of spreading security vulnerabilities.

By running microservices in separate containers, you can deploy them independently. Regardless of the language in which each microservice is written. In this way, containerization removes the risk of any friction or conflict between languages, libraries, and frameworks.

In terms of service discovery, containerization makes it easy to locate and communicate with microservices. with each other, as they all run in containers that are on the same platform. For the same reason, it is also easier for developers to organize microservices.

Despite all the advantages, both containers and microservices have their own nuances and challenges. Including cyber security matters. Let’s discuss some of the most important security concerns.

Top 5 security challenges for microservices | Microservices and containers security holes in the racket

The diagram below shows how a simple microservices architecture includes multiple components, each with vulnerabilities and security risks. Let’s review the top 5 challenges of microservices that make it difficult to secure modern applications.

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1. Design infrastructure and multi-cloud deployments

Microservices are distributed to multiple data centers, cloud service providers, and hosts. 

Building infrastructure across multiple clouds increases the risk of losing control and visibility of application components.

2. Division and isolation

Separate application components do their job in interdependence with many other services. 

All of these components create and maintain communication channels across different infrastructure layers, so communication across services is often skipped when testing for security vulnerabilities, and as a result is significant exposure in the interfaces between these services.

3. Identity management and access control

Microservices expose new entry points for both internal and external actors. Access controls must be regulated for all entities, whether legitimate or illegitimate.

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It’s important to have an administrative interface that can help you manage users, applications, groups, devices, and APIs from one central location, giving you real-time visibility into what’s going on in your environment.

4. Data management

The data that is created in a microservices architecture is constantly moving, changing, and interacting with it. However, data is also stored in different places and for different purposes. Data asset owners need insight into the life cycle and dynamics of data to avoid breaches.

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Data leaks can occur regardless of the exposure of the communication channel. Malicious actors can connect vulnerabilities to infiltrate private assets.

5. Rapid application rate changes

Developing applications in modern SDLC forces the code base and data stores to grow over time. Development methodologies drive iterative and incremental development, putting microservices under constant workload.

How do you ever know that new code coming through the development pipeline will not expose your application to new combinations of vulnerabilities and dangerous attack vectors?

Security testing must keep up with the pace of SDLC, to improve DevSecOps.

Decomposing applications into microservices increases the attack surface of the application due to newly added entry points and inter-instance connections now spread across many environments, since microservices security requires non-simple, out-of-the-box solutions.

Security challenges for microservices and containers

Security concerns about microservices  typically stem from the following:

  • Many moving parts microservice-based applications are
    more complex than monolithic applications. Because it consists of many moving parts. One application can contain hundreds of microservices. It is deployed in thousands of containers. For developers, this means that homogeneous code containing 1000 DLLs must be parsed. The same number of microservices. While this makes the code more secure and maintainable. It also makes the microservices-based application more vulnerable to cyberattacks. Microservices and containers security holes in the racket
  • Communication risks
    In addition, the interface-driven development approach requires well-defined REST APIs to ensure that microservices can establish consistent communication with each other. Unlike monolithic applications where components communicate internally, components of microservices-based applications communicate in both external and internal environments, which creates speed and security challenges. Developers need to be more security-conscious, as they have to ensure that many things are protected than monolithic applications, ensure communication security, and protect a much larger attack surface.

For  container security challenges , there are a wide range of issues as security must be maintained across all operations.

  • Vulnerabilities in container technology
    The core components of container technology—containers, images, registries, marshals, and the host operating system—can also be targeted by cybercriminals. For example, attackers can compromise an image and gain access to an application’s files or data. Furthermore, hackers can infect a container with malicious code and use it to attack other containers, the host operating system, or other hosts.
  • More people have access to the code
    While DevSecOps aims to break down barriers between teams and ensure continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD), it also increases the risk that one code can change in a distributed environment.

Precision serve and containers created security holes in the putter

Developers prefer to use a container-based architecture because containers are lightweight. Portable, easy to maintain and expand. Thanks to these qualities, containers can be used for modern development approaches such as. DevOps, Serverless, and microservices. Also, developers can precisely control how many resources each container can use. Optimize CPU and memory usage of physical devices. Microservices and containers security holes in the racket

Agile developments encourage the use of innovative technologies such as containers and microservices. Very practical, however, it requires special attention in terms of cyber security.

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Agile approaches of the DevSecOps type aim to augment regular developments, facilitated by technologies such as containerization and the use of the cloud. However, security, which is a complex thing for developers to manage in this new context, is a drag on the pace of development. According to a study by Dynatrace, screening alerts (often false positives) is particularly harmful.

last | Microservices and containers security holes in the racket

On average, according to this study, an organization must process 2,169 new application security alerts per month, most of which, according to 77% of CISO, are false positives. As a result, 68% of CISOs say the volume of alerts makes it very difficult to prioritize vulnerabilities based on risk and impact level. In fact, 63% of CISOs believe that DevOps and agile methods have made finding and managing software vulnerabilities more difficult.

At the development level, the proliferation of alerts is a real problem. Thus, according to 64% of CISOs, developers do not always have time to fix vulnerabilities before putting code into production. Worse: 28% of CISOs fear that developers bypass vulnerability detection tools to speed up software delivery. Logically, 74% of CISOs consider that traditional security controls, such as vulnerability scanners, are no longer relevant in today’s cloud world.

Blind spots in application security

For 89% of CISOs, microservices, containers, and Kubernetes have created application security blind spots. 97% of organizations lack real-time visibility of runtime vulnerabilities in containerized production environments. As a result, 71% of CISOs admit that they are not completely sure. That the code is free of vulnerabilities before it is pushed into production. However, there is a solution within the DevSecOps approach: automating deployments. And configurations include code management, especially in cloud-like environments, according to 77% of CISOs.

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