
metroid prime remastered review

Although it’s hard to imagine now, the idea of a first-person Metroid game was originally incomprehensible. The Metroid franchise had  restricted to the 2D medium up until the release of Metroid Prime in 2002, with intricate locations full of secrets and hidden items that improved your powers and battle capability as you explored. It was basically ludicrous to think that Retro Studios, a brand-new company at the time, could properly recreate the series in a 3D environment and incorporate a first-person perspective. But they did a fantastic job of it, creating one of the greatest GameCube games ever, which  still considered to be the best of all time.

Retro Studios  demonstrated why it  regularly regarded as one of the most skilled game developers in the industry with the release of Metroid Prime for the Nintendo Switch more than 20 years after it  originally released (though the studio did  help from a number of other devs for this one). The entire game has been beautifully redesigned, and despite a few tiny quirks here and there, we are confident in saying that Metroid Prime Remastered is a genuine masterpiece and an absolutely necessary addition to your Switch library.

metroid prime remastered review

It is immediately evident how much time and consideration has gone into improving the game’s aesthetics as you witness Samus’ ship dock upon the abandoned Space Pirate frigate in the opening scene. Although the first Metroid Prime was certainly not a slouch and we’d argue that it provided a more than adequate starting point, the differences between the two games are just remarkable. Everything, from the settings to the foes and even Samus herself, has received a hefty coat of paint. The core of the original game is still present, but you might mistake it for a brand-new 2023 Switch release rather than a remake of a two-decade-old GameCube classic.

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Phendrana Drifts, one of Metroid’s most recognizable places, also lacks the original’s striking visual impact. When we looked back at the original game, the effect of the snowfall has actually  toned down for the remastered edition, and it doesn’t appear quite as attractive overall. We tried trying to figure out why this would be. However, for the majority of gamers,

metroid prime remastered
metroid prime remastered


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There is also the “traditional” control scheme, which aims to mimic the controls of the original GameCube. We won’t lie; returning to this kind of control might be challenging unless you’ve been playing the original regularly throughout the intervening years. You can’t aim while moving, thus it feels much more outdated than the twin-stick system. For a really original control experience, we tried utilizing a GameCube pad with a USB adapter. While it requires some fiddling, you can remap anything suitably in-game 

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At the end of this article, we present to you a metroid prime remastered review .

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