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lsu football scandal

Is Kayshon Boutte Involved in a Scandal?

There have been rumors circulating on social media alleging that former LSU wide receiver Kayshon Boutte was involved in a scandal involving a party during the team’s visit to Atlanta prior to the SEC Championship Game. The rumors also claim that Boutte was dismissed from the team as a result. However, these rumors have not been confirmed by any official sources and should be treated as unverified.

What Caused Kayshon Boutte to Change His Decision to Declare for the NFL Draft?

In December of 2022, Kayshon Boutte announced that he would not be declaring for the NFL Draft and would instead return to LSU for his senior season. However, he later changed his mind and declared for the draft. The reason for this change has not been publicly disclosed.

Is the Resignation of Destiny Wilson Linked to the Kayshon Boutte Controversy?

Destiny Wilson, the on-campus recruiting coordinator for LSU, reportedly resigned from her role on December 8, 2022. This resignation came three days after Boutte had originally announced he was staying at LSU. While the timing of these events has raised questions, there has been no official confirmation that Wilson’s resignation is linked to the Boutte controversy.

What has Brian Kelly said about the Kayshon Boutte Controversy?

LSU head coach Brian Kelly has addressed the rumors of Boutte’s involvement in a scandal, stating that there are no coaches or support staff that are currently with him that have done anything that would require him to feel as though they haven’t met the highest of standards. However, Kelly did not specifically address Boutte or the rumors surrounding his change of heart in regards to the NFL Draft.

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Q: What is the rumor surrounding Kayshon Boutte?
A: There is a rumor that Kayshon Boutte was involved in a scandal, specifically an alleged bad party that took place during LSU’s visit to Atlanta before the SEC Championship Game.

Q: What has Boutte said about the rumor?
A: Boutte has not publicly commented on the rumor.

Q: Was Boutte dismissed from the team?
A: It is unclear if Boutte was dismissed from the team. LSU head coach Brian Kelly stated that Boutte was “unavailable” for the Citrus Bowl, but did not give any specific reasons for his unavailability.

Q: Is there any connection between Boutte and the resignation of Destiny Wilson?
A: It is unclear if there is a connection between Boutte and Wilson’s resignation. Wilson resigned from her position as on-campus recruiting coordinator on December 8, three days after Boutte announced he would be staying at LSU for his senior season.


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