news big data

Kworld Trend / big data, Business is one of the most important roles of big data. As the world of business and technology evolves, so does the role of big data, especially in business marketing. Companies use a lot of research methods in an effort to improve marketing strategies to find out how consumers behave, what products consumers prefer, or market trends. Currently, “Big Data Analytics” is one of the analytical approaches that are often discussed in marketing research methods.

In this blog post, we’ll delve into what exactly big data is, its impact on various industries, and how you can start writing your own article on the topic. So grab a cup of coffee and let’s explore the world of big data together! big data | Big data in digital marketing and e-commerce Big Data: Data is everywhere nowadays. From the websites we browse to the products we buy, information is constantly being created and collected at an unprecedented rate. But what happens to all that data? This is where big data comes in – a thriving field dedicated to sorting and making sense of vast amounts of information.

In the digital age where everyone has access to the internet, the term “online business” is starting to get popular because business has become easier to do anytime and anywhere, especially in the use of social media. Now, entrepreneurs in general prefer to sell their products and services through social media rather than opening their own business outlets. This is due to the fact that the capital spent is much less, so that almost all business transactions are currently carried out via the Internet. This is where big data plays an important role in managing data from online transactional processes.

Big data includes data and information in a very large amount, variety, and speed. The majority of the stored data is unstructured data, such as text data, audio, images, videos, and so on. This unstructured data cannot be processed or analyzed using statistical methods as usual, so big data has its own methods in the analysis process. Big data analytics not only has a large data capacity, but also a high speed. Hadoop is a platform that stores and processes big data that is scalable and reliable. Currently, only large and well-known companies are really using big data technology, so it is hoped that other entrepreneurs, especially those who work online, can take advantage of big data technology so that their business can develop better.

Benefits of using big data for business

Get to know the customer better

Adopting a big data strategy entails collecting any and all data about a company’s customers. We can use this set of information as our reference to understand consumers, so that we can be better at providing products according to their needs and desires.

From the data collected in big data, we can see what the facts are on the ground, what are our consumers’ tendencies, and what are their behaviors and activities. A real fact and not just an assumption we make on the basis of guesswork. Because sometimes the results of the feedback or distributed questionnaire are not answered 100% correctly. However, big data will allow us to collect more reliable information about our customers’ actions and preferences. Of course, using big data, the process can be executed faster.

Build a more effective marketing strategy

With all the customer or consumer data that we currently have, it certainly wouldn’t be difficult to build an effective marketing strategy that could reach every consumer according to our market. Using the right marketing strategy will prevent us from shrinking our market share due to not perfectly built relationships with our clients.

Improving the consumer’s shopping experience

Big Data’s ability to store vast amounts of information provides us with a wealth of opportunities. To enhance our customers’ shopping experience. We can create products and services by looking at customer needs and satisfaction through data entering big data.

Increasing innovation in e-commerce

Business owners and managers absolutely must implement a new idea. It is clear that innovations have been made to maintain the company’s ability to adapt to an ever-evolving market. When business owners examine customer patterns using big data analytics, they gain insights into their customers. So that entrepreneurs can take advantage of this trend and develop more specific innovations.

Linking big data and digital marketing

Helps plan better marketing campaigns

One of the uses of big data to target customer needs and develop informational content. Is to collect information about customer behavior through the use of cookies.

Cookies are a collection of information about the activities of customers when carrying out their activities on the Internet. In this case, marketing can also be done effectively because there is no need for guesswork in determining the desires of customers and it can increase productivity.

It is also important to note analytics tools because they can ensure that they provide valuable data and actionable insights.

What is Big Data?

‘Big Data’™ is often used to describe the massive amount of digital data that is produced and collected every day. But what exactly is big data?

Big data can be defined as a collection of data sets that are so large and complex. That it becomes difficult to process them using traditional data processing techniques. Big data is often characterized by the 5Vs: volume, velocity, variety, validity, and value.

Volume : The volume of big data is constantly growing at an exponential rate. In 2012, it was estimated that 2.5 quintillion bytes of data were generated per day. This amount is only expected to increase in the coming years.

Speed : The speed of big data refers to the speed at which it is generated and collected. With the advent of social media and the Internet of Things (IoT), big data is being generated at a faster rate than ever before.

Diversity : Big data comes in many different types including text, images, audio, video, etc. This poses a challenge for companies because they need to find a way to store and analyze all of this disparate data.

Validity : Validity refers to the quality of big data. Since a lot of it is unstructured and created by humans, it can be quite messy and unreliable. Businesses need to be able to filter out the noise in order to take advantage of the valuable insights hidden within big data.

Benefits of big data

There are many benefits of big data. With the right tools, companies can use big data to improve operations, make better decisions, and create competitive advantage.

Operational improvements

With big data, companies can identify inefficiencies and areas for improvement within their operations. For example, by analyzing production data, a manufacturing company can identify problems with an assembly line and make changes to improve production. Similarly, a retail company can use customer purchase data to streamline its inventory management and reduce waste.

Better Decision Making

Big data provides decision makers with unprecedented insights into their actions. By analyzing data from all aspects of the business, managers can make more informed decisions about where to allocate resources and how to grow the business. In addition, big data can be used to track key performance indicators (KPIs) and assess whether a company is on track to achieve its goals.

Competitive Advantage

Finally, big data can give companies a competitive advantage in their industry. With the right tools and analytics, companies can use big data to find new opportunities and gain insights into their competitors. For example, a retailer can use customer purchase data to develop targeted marketing campaigns, or a manufacturer can use production data to improve its products.

Learn about the “world” of the Metaverse

Metaverse is an augmented reality (AR) technology that allows people to interact with other people virtually. In the metaverse world, you can create an avatar according to your wishes in 3D animation. Just like you in the real world, this 3D avatar can be used to represent users on the Internet.

As explained in the opening section, users can perform various activities in virtual form on the metaverse. These activities can take the form of working, gathering, having meetings, playing games, attending concerts, shopping online, and purchasing digital property.

Artificial intelligence and data science

Artificial intelligence is definitely something familiar in the technological age like now. Some examples of artificial intelligence that we often encounter in our daily activities are: face recognition, chatbot feature, voice recognition, Siri, mobile banking, GPS etc. Artificial intelligence cannot be separated from data science in its application. Data science is a discipline that analyzes and visualizes data using artificial intelligence to make predictions.

The most important thing to remember about AI and data science is its ability to analyze huge amounts of data in real time to provide useful insights. In addition, when implemented correctly, accurate interpretation leads to automated actions, interactions, responses, and processing that are effective and efficient. It will also cover event correlation, anomaly detection, and causal determination, helping to integrate and connect different platforms.

The Metaverse virtual reality should more or less physically reflect the actual reality in a better communication way as well as provide a more realistic experience to the users. Artificial intelligence is the only tool that can do this, and it is impossible to achieve it on a large scale with human means.

Take a peek at these four features to increase your chances of starting a business

Have you heard of the term Startup? In today’s technological age, startups have become a very popular business trend. Generally, a startup refers to a technology-based form of service or product.

So, what is the true meaning of the word startup? A startup is a company that is still in development or beta that has not been in operation for a long time. Based on technology and innovation, the startup is experiencing rapid growth, including in Indonesia. There are dozens or even hundreds of startups that we can find in Indonesia.

However, not all startups can function optimally and many of them are already experiencing losses. Not only do you need financial assistance from investors, the start-up business must also be supported with features that make it easier for users and attract new customers.

A number of startups in Indonesia that have achieved success outpace. Unicorn numbers and have seen a good growth market for digital wallets. Learning from some of these startups, it turns out that there are 4 features. That can help increase the chances of starting your own business, you know! Come on, look at the information summarized by the following explanation. big data

Chatbot helps in getting close to customers

This feature is equally important and feels obligatory in every startup. Why? You or your staff may not be available 24/7 to respond to customers. So, the chatbot feature will really help startups!

Chatbot is a feature that uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology. This feature is able to liven conversations with potential buyers. Such as product information, questions or complaints, to dynamic feedback.

There are many benefits that your business can gain by using this feature. Namely improved customer relations, reduced customer service costs and of course 27/7 chat availability.

How does manage Big Data? | big data

The ever-increasing size of data sets and the number of places they come from can be daunting. For even the most experienced data analysts. The term “big data” has been thrown around a lot in recent years. But it is more than just a buzzword. – Big data is a real challenge that businesses and organizations must face on a daily basis.

There are a few key things to keep in mind when it comes to managing big data:

  1. Know your data sources . Where does your data come from? This seems like a no-brainer, but it’s important to have a clear understanding of all the different places your data is coming from. This will help you determine which sources are the most reliable. And which ones may need to be cleaned or filtered before use.
  2. Use the right tools for the job . There are many different software applications and platforms that can be used for big data analysis. It’s important to choose the right tool for the specific task at hand—you won’t be using a hammer to drive a nail, after all. Some popular big data tools include Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark, and MongoDB.
  3. Clean and organize your data . Just as you would with any other type of data. It is important to clean up large data sets before attempting to analyze them. This means getting rid of duplicate entries, filling in missing values, and making sure all your variables are consistent.

Conclusion | big data

In conclusion, Big Data is a very powerful tool that can be used to gain valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences. But it’s also important to remember that, as with any technology, there are ethical considerations when it comes to collecting and analyzing this type of data.

Companies should always seek transparency in how customer information is used so that people feel comfortable buying from them. With a solid understanding of big data principles and an ethical approach, companies have the potential to unlock huge opportunities for growth.

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