news site review site review, after the emergence of Business intelligence many websites where created to talk about this new topic,  which is a new term in the business world that is defined as a set of tools, mechanisms, and processes that contribute to better decisions for companies and institutions after collecting and analyzing data with this intelligence, that contributes to forming a comprehensive view of competitors, markets, customers, and performance with an accurate and comprehensive vision.

In this article, we will mention some of these tools and mention one of the best sites that provide this information ( And companies that use BI and all these articles about smart business technology

“What is business analytics? How can it help your company?” by – Samsudins

These useful and interesting articles include talking about “business analytics” and how it can help through articles that explain the importance of intelligence and its tasks and how companies can improve their operations through it, improve their services and quality, and increase their income. This article also mentions examples and models of applied operations for business analysis in various fields and industries Like selling and financing

Top 10 Business Intelligence Tools to Help Businesses for 2023″ by Samsudins

This is an interesting article as it mentions the most powerful tools used in the business intelligence market mainly and the most common ones as well. It explains the functions and advantages of each tool and how you can use them to help you companies that analyze, visualize, analyze and share their data effectively through this tool. The article also provides tips on choosing the most appropriate tool according to your needs. and your goals of your work

Read Also: Business Intelligence

“Digital Transformation in Human Resources: Why is it Important? How to Apply?” by Samsudins.

The article talks about the benefit of digital transformation in human resources, the reasons, importance and how. Remember why companies prefer to use digital culture in human recruitment and what is the impact of this digital transformation. It also mentions some steps and strategies that can be followed such as cloud, automation and analytics. This enhances employee participation and invites them to innovate and learn.


These are some useful articles that you can find on about Business intelligence to understand and discover more about the subject through articles related to technology and business. It gives you a new vision and increases your learning and skills in business intelligence and your competitiveness.

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