
i need to send a letter of thanks to dyson reddit

Thanks to Dyson: A Story of Infidelity and Discovery: It was an ordinary day when the author of this story, a 43-year-old man, decided to update the filter on his Dyson fan.

Little did he know that this seemingly insignificant task would lead to a shocking discovery: his wife of 17 years had been having an 18-month affair. The story, originally posted on the subreddit r/survivinginfidelity, has since gone viral, with many readers reaching out for an update on the situation. In this article, we will provide an update on the situation, as well as some background information on the author and his relationship.

Thanks to Dyson: Background Information

The author of the story, who chooses to remain anonymous, went to college in Las Vegas in the mid-90s and graduated in 1999. He had a wild time in college, and as a result, decided that he never wanted to get married or have children. After college, he moved home to Texas and pursued a Masters degree in Nursing, with a specialization in CV Surgery. It was during this time that he met his now ex-wife. They began dating and quickly fell in love, but after two years, she sat him down and had a heart-to-heart conversation with him about the future of their relationship. She told him that it was time to either get married or move on.

Thanks to Dyson: The Decision

Two weeks later, the author received an acceptance letter to a medical school about two hours away from home. He was ecstatic, but also crushed at the same time. He realized that he would never see his girlfriend or her two daughters again. He felt doubt about his ability to make the money or support the lifestyle they had grown accustomed to. In the end, he declined the acceptance letter and switched back to a Masters in Nursing. It was a difficult decision, but one that he felt was necessary to keep his relationship with his girlfriend and her children.

Thanks to Dyson: The Discovery

Fast forward to the present day, and the author is now married to his ex-girlfriend and has been for 17 years. He has two stepdaughters and has been living a happy life. However, one day, he decided to update the filter on his Dyson fan. As he was doing this, he noticed that the fan was connected to his wife’s phone, and he could see the usage history. As he scrolled through the history, he discovered that his wife had been having an 18-month affair.

The Aftermath

In the original post, the author wrote that he was inebriated and not in a good state of mind. He has since apologized for the poor writing and context of the original post. He has also seen a therapist, who has advised him to write this update as a way to help him re-center and focus. He has received nearly 1,000 requests for an update on the situation, and this article is his response.

Update on Thanks to Dyson story on Reddit


  • The writer discovered his wife of 17 years had an 18 month affair after updating the fan filter on the Dyson app
  • He is now in therapy and seeking closure on the situation


  • The writer had a 2 and a half hour session on Tuesday where he discussed his anger and betrayal, emasculation and fear of the future
  • He learned that to understand the motivation behind his wife’s actions, he should calmly ask her “what within herself gave her permission to do this to me.”

Physical Relationship:

  • His therapist recommended that he lay out explicit ground rules for their physical relationship and to stop having seks, unless reconciliation was his goal
  • The writer got tested for STDs and was prescribed sedatives to cope with the emotional trauma

Resignation and Moving Away:

  • The writer resigned from his job as a nurse practitioner due to the stressful home life
  • He decided to move away from the area to start fresh

Confronting the wife:

  • The writer came home to find his wife crying, looking through pictures and dressed up for a “date night”
  • She informed him that the AP had other women and begged for reconciliation, but the writer refused and told her he felt she was sorry she got caught, not remorseful for what she did to him.

Food and Drink:

  • The writer decided to stop drinking and make food, following the advice of his therapist and physician friend.

Frequently Asked Questions about Thanks to Dyson

Q: How did the author discover his wife’s infidelity?

A: The author discovered his wife’s infidelity when he updated the filter on his Dyson fan and saw the usage history on his wife’s phone.

Q: Why did the author switch back to a Masters in Nursing from a medical school?

A: The author switched back to a Masters in Nursing from a medical school because he realized that the seven-year process of becoming a doctor would mean that he would never see his girlfriend or her children again. He felt that this was too much of a sacrifice to make for his relationship.

Q: How long were the author and his wife married before he discovered her infidelity?

A: The author and his wife were married for 17 years before he discovered her infidelity.

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