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HTTP Validation Nasims NG: How to Verify Your Account Details on NASIMS Portal

Author: Charles James

If you are a Npower Batch C2 beneficiary who is yet to receive your stipend payment, you may need to validate your account details on the NASIMS portal. This is because Npower has encountered some issues validating the details of some beneficiaries on their NASIMS profile. This could be due to error in data entry or invalid/inactive bank account.

In this blog post, I will show you how to use the HTTP validation nasims ng link to verify your account details and continue maintaining your status on the N-Power program. I will also answer some frequently asked questions about this process and provide some tips on how to avoid common errors.

What is HTTP Validation Nasims NG?

HTTP validation nasims ng is a link that Npower has sent to some Batch C2 beneficiaries who have not received their stipend payment. The link allows them to validate their BVN and bank account details on the NASIMS portal.

The link is and it looks like this: link review – Site Screenshot

To use the link, you need to enter your N-Power ID, BVN and bank account details. You can find your N-Power ID on your NASIMS dashboard by logging in with your email and password at

Login to your NASIMS Account – Screenshot

Why do I need to validate my account details?

You need to validate your account details if you have not received your stipend payment for any month since August 2022. This is because Npower may have encountered some issues validating your details on their NASIMS profile.

Some of the possible reasons why your details may not be validated are:

  • You entered incorrect or incomplete information during registration
  • You changed your bank account or BVN after registration
  • Your bank account is inactive or dormant
  • Your bank account does not match your BVN
  • Your bank does not support NIBSS (Nigeria Inter-Bank Settlement System)

By validating your account details, you can correct any errors and ensure that Npower can process your payment without any delay.

How do I validate my account details?

To validate your account details, you need to follow these steps:

1. Click on the validation link that Npower sent you via SMS or email. The link is
2. Enter your N-Power ID, BVN and bank account details in the form and click on “Submit
3. Wait for a confirmation message that says “Your information has been successfully validated”
4. Check your NASIMS dashboard for any updates on your payment status

What if I don’t receive the validation link?

If you don’t receive the validation link from Npower, you can still access it by visiting directly. However, make sure that you are eligible for validation before using the link.

You are eligible for validation if:

  • You are a Batch C2 beneficiary who registered before June 30th 2022
  • You have completed biometric verification
  • You have deployed to a place of primary assignment (PPA)
  • You have submitted monthly attendance reports
  • You have not received stipend payment for any month since August 2022

If you are not eligible for validation, please do not use the link as it may cause more problems for you.

What if I encounter an error while validating my account details?

If you encounter an error while validating your account details, please do not panic or submit multiple times. Some of the common errors and how to fix them are:

  • Invalid N-Power ID: Make sure that you enter your correct N-Power ID as shown on your NASIMS dashboard
  • Invalid BVN: Make sure that you enter your correct BVN as shown on your bank statement or ATM card
  • Invalid Bank Account: Make sure that you enter a valid and active bank account number that matches with your BVN
  • Bank Not Supported: Make sure that you choose a bank that supports NIBSS such as Access Bank, First Bank, GTBank etc.
  • Network Error: Make sure that you have a stable internet connection and try again later

If none of these solutions work for you, please contact NASIMS support via phone at 018888340 or 018888189 or via email at [email protected] for further assistance.


HTTP validation nasims ng is a simple but important process that can help you receive your stipend payment from Npower if you are a Batch C2 beneficiary who has not been paid since August 2022.

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