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Harvey Weinstein reddit gangrene Videos and Photos!

Harvey Weinstein: A story with hard lessons

Hi Friends, Recently research has gone viral on Harvey Weinstein and his photos of genital gangrene, this famous director who was tried for assault and sexual exploitation. Check out all the story details here.

What is the story?

The producer of films like Kill Bill: Volume 1 (2003) or The Aviator (2004) had faced seven counts, five of sexual assault and two of rape, stemming from accusations brought by four women.

Former American film producer Harvey Weinstein refused to testify on Monday in the sexual assault and rape case he is currently facing in Los Angeles, his lawyer Mark Werksman announced.

The operation, which began on October 10 resumed a week after the Thanksgiving holiday.

In court, Judge Lisa B. Lynch informed Weinstein that he had the right to testify and take the stand, as well as not to.

According to Variety, Weinstein decided not to testify, and did not in 2020 during the trial in New York, in which he was charged and sentenced to 23 years in prison for sexual assault and rape.

If found guilty on all charges, Weinstein, who was previously sentenced to 23 years in prison in 2020, could face an additional 60 years and, if acquitted, would be expected to continue serving his current prison sentence.

However, his legal team is seeking to appeal the main decision to the New York Court of Appeals, an institution which has agreed to reconsider the case and can reverse, modify or affirm the decision.

At the start of that second trial, which is expected to conclude in December, Weinstein was facing 11 charges from five women that, if prosecuted, would have cost him a 140-year prison sentence.

However, on November 15, the prosecution announced that it would not consider the testimony of one of the victims, as four counts were withdrawn, including two for rape, which significantly reduced the potential sentence.

Among the witnesses who testified in that second trial was director Jennifer Seibel Newsom, wife of California Governor Gavin Newsom, who accused the producer of raping her in 2005.

Starting Monday, the defense will begin presenting the case, and the producing team said they hope to be rested by Wednesday.

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Harvey Weinstein reddit gangrene Videos and Photos!

A lot of rumors spread from several women claiming that they had been subjected to harassment and sexual assault from the director, and after that many comments spread on the subject, and everyone began to pretend, and some of them insulted him and photographed his sexual organs with different things..

Comments from Reddit~


She alleged Weinstein peed on her once, and when asked to describe his hygiene she said “it was very bad; he smelled like shit — excuse me, sorry, like poop. He just was dirty.”

This man is a literal swamp monster what the fu**


User avatarSilver2

She called the shi*t, po**op

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