
friend pc .com site review

You might have come across if you are looking for a PC repair service that is both dependable and affordable.

What is

This website claims to provide prompt and helpful solutions to all computer issues, including hardware upgrades and virus removal. However, is truly as great as it sounds? I will share my personal experience with and help you decide if it is worth your time and money in this honest website review.

My Experience Review

When my laptop started to slow down and frequently crash, I contacted On their website, I completed a straightforward form and received a confirmation email within minutes. The email said that a specialist would call me soon to analyze the issue and give me a statement. I was dazzled by how fast and simple the cycle was.

Within an hour, the technician contacted me and inquired about my laptop’s model, operating system, and symptoms. He let me know that my PC had a malware disease and that he could fix it from a distance for $49.99. He likewise said that he could improve my PC execution and introduce some security programming for an extra $29.99.

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I consented to the help and gave him admittance to my PC through a far-off work area programming. He likewise gave me a few hints on the best way to stay away from malware later on and how to keep my PC moving along as expected. He then, at that point, requested that I pay him through a solid connection that he emailed me.

I thanked him for his service and gave him $79.98. He disconnected from my laptop and sent me an email receipt and survey regarding my satisfaction. My laptop was operating much more quickly and smoothly when I checked it. I filled out the survey with positive feedback because I was very pleased with the service. Review at

Life coaching services, virtual gamers, virtual girlfriends, and virtual friends are all offered on the website The platform lets you sign up for free and search for an online friend by gender, city, and age. The website has a 38.30 authoritative rank, which is considered to be medium-low, according to an article on


In conclusion, I believe that is a PC repair service that delivers on its promises and is dependable and effective. My laptop issue was promptly resolved by the friendly, knowledgeable, and helpful technician. The cost was clear and reasonable, and the method of payment was safe. I would suggest to anyone who requires PC maintenance or repair.

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