
european hookmouth reddit

Kworld Trend / european hookmouth reddit

european hookmouth reddit

photo is most likely fake, but the swift and almost perfect erasure of any mention of the europa leaks and europan hookmouth is incredibly distressing

On April 22nd or 23rd the image on the second page was posted which allegedly is an alien life form that lives on europa.

One of the earliest posts contained an url to the wayback machine, which has been removed without a proper reason given.

The url was this:

After this, more images begin to surface on reddit and 4chan.On Google, up until a few hours ago, googling phrases/keywords like “nasa leaked documents”, “europan hookmouth”, and “europa nasa leak” would lead you to the reddit threads/posts discussing the meme/leak.

But now, the phrases/keywords are being blocklisted and being actively censored. Using the phrases/keywords OP provided, the seach results show no helpful/relevant results, even the reddit pages no longer show up.

Someone/something is manipulating search engines in an attempt to cover something up.

Apparently reddit posts are also getting deleted but i haven’t seen it


“Did everybody just ignore the part where no spacecraft has ever landed on Europa? We haven’t landed there. How would we even get pictures from under the ice lol.”

“It isn’t about that, the images have been debunked, They are indeed fake. The thing that raises suspiciousness is the censorship. Why is every comment or post is getting locked or removed except the ones that are calling this misinformation. Now i really don’t believe in conspiracies and found it foolish but this thing is really suspicious, it sounds foolish but censorship makes you question it. The only question i have is WHY??? WHY HIDE IT???”

“Also those tube things are pyrosomes. Which as far as weird sea creatures go are, like, the opposite of alien. They’re more closely related to us than we are to, say, crabs or squid”

“Looked that up and there are a couple weird things. For one there is ONE wayback machine result dating back to 2019 archiving the page which is unusual for a random small poster Two: All the links in that page either lead to nowhere or are straight up broken which is very suspicious to say the least. Though I have to admit this is 99% a 4chan trolling op”

“It’s nothing like a bonethresher and the image is fake because it looks exactly like a shark but the censorship must mean something promising, alien fish! Don’t know why NASA or the government wouldn’t want us to know about this though.”

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