
Elite season 6 review – a soapy sixth outing provides diminishing returns

Elite Season 6 Post-Review – Soapy Sixth Outing Delivers Diminishing Returns appeared first on Ready Steady Cut.

This review of Elite Season 6 is spoiler-free.

Since it started in 2018, NetflixSpanish soapy teen drama elite It is best described as a guilty pleasure. As the years and seasons pass, audiences begin to feel a lot less pleasure and guilt, as the frivolous plot continues to chart the same territory and strain plausibility to the breaking point.

elite Season 6 He tries to shake things up with multiple new characters and their accompanying stories, but can’t help but feel more of the same. Longtime fans will remember that The fifth season has ended With Benjamin in prison due to Samuel’s death. We pick things up there at the premiere, but very briefly, as the new year begins in Las Encinas, and move on to more urgent matters, some new and some ongoing.

Isadora (Valentina Zenner), for example, is still seeking revenge – legal or otherwise – after her rape last season, while Patrick (Manu Rios) and Evan (Andrei Lamoglia(They try to continue their relationship in the midst of a complicated dynamic with Evan’s father, Cruz)Carlotto Cotta).

However, much of the drama revolves around some of the new characters. niko (Andrew Puig) is the show’s first transgender character, and through it, elite It tries to raise trans issues and explore the experience of trans people to… let’s say mixed effect. In the early episodes, he is particularly evident in a tentative romantic relationship with Ari (Carla Diaz), but like most of the show’s attempts to tackle big, complex, and hot topics, it tends to be very superficial and stiff.

The same can be said for an abuse storyline involving Sarah’s new characters (Carmen Arafat) and Raul (Alex Pastrana), social media influencers with dark private lives who got involved in the Isadora assault case and caught the attention of Mencia (Martina Caridi). And Cruz being on the cutting edge of homophobia in sports and celebrity culture is welcome and well-intentioned (not to mention timely, given Qatar World Cup) but ultimately lacks a subplot.

As in previous seasons, elite Season six is ​​torn between wanting to be Around stuff and also wanting to deliver all the scandal and sex that fans would expect, so it ends up feeling insincere most of the time. He constantly and often non-technically reminds us of what we’re seeing and what we’re supposed to be thinking, trying to provide somewhat predictable character and plot dynamics with added meaning.

This is a symbolic approach and does little to distract from how most of these things feel right now. However, with such a young social media savvy cast, and an audience that’s clearly ready and willing to make sense of all of this, there’s no reason to imagine the show is going anywhere anytime soon.

You can stream Elite Season 6 exclusively on Netflix.

Elite Season 6 Post-Review – Soapy Sixth Outing Delivers Diminishing Returns appeared first on Ready Steady Cut.

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