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Trends on Social Media: The Rise and Fall of Twitter's "E-Girls"

What is going on with the e-girl chat leaks? Twitter is a platform where users can go viral and gain a following by posting a wide variety of content. In some instances, influencers have found success within their own niche, such as the so-called “e-girls.” These individuals have gained massive popularity by immersing themselves in things like video games, cosplay, and anime, and by posting suggestive photos. However, a recent group chat leak has exposed some disturbing views held by some of the most-followed e-girls, causing many to lose followers and face backlash.


The Rise of E-Girls

E-girls have become increasingly popular on Twitter, with many racking up hundreds of thousands of followers as a result of posting content related to video games, cosplay, and anime. Some have even eclipsed over a million followers. E-girls are known for their unique sense of style, often incorporating elements of anime and video games into their clothing and makeup. They also frequently post suggestive photos, which has helped many of them gain a large following.

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Egirl Group Chat Leak and Its Aftermath

However, the popularity of some of the biggest e-girls on the platform came crashing down after messages from their group chat were leaked online. Private group chat messages were leaked on Twitter by EGIRLFRIEND (aka Laur) in a thread that has amassed almost 100,000 likes at the time of writing and has been viewed over 25 million times. Users were shocked by the messages, which contained racist slurs, fatphobic terms, and even calls for people to “kill themselves.”

Twitter users have slammed the influencers over these controversial views, with even those close to some of the women involved in the group chat being surprised and disappointed to see this behavior from “seemingly nice people.”

Apologies and Consequences

Some of the e-girls involved in the group chat have posted apologies, while others have privated or deleted their Twitter accounts entirely. However, some users have called into question the validity of these apologies, as leaked Discord messages from the day before the group chat leak revealed that some of the e-girls in question were still discussing the “fat-shaming” and even expressed the desire for others to “kill themselves.”

Other Twitter models have also spoken out about their time with the group of e-girls, with some additional allegations being made against those within the group. At the time of writing, none of the e-girls in question have denied the leaked chain of texts, nor have they refuted what was said in the later leaked Discord messages.

E-girls & Egirl Group Chat Leak

E-girls are popular women on social media that have gathered a following by posting more adult content, usually taking advantage of their physical attributes to attract mostly men to their accounts. They show off more suggestive cosplays and outfits, post on social media, and usually have more explicit pictures and videos on OF. They usually present themselves as kind and supportive of everyone on their social media accounts, with cute captions and pictures.

Drama in the E-girl Community

However, behind the scenes, there is a lot of negativity in group chats and DMs, including bullying, doxxing, fatphobia/shaming, racism, and more. This has caused a lot of drama in the community and many people are now talking about it, making memes and making fun of the E-girls.

Context from someone who used to be in the community

One user who used to be in the E-girl community adds more context to the situation. They mention that egirl twitter is constantly filled with drama and that people with high followings within the community often voice their opinions on how to be kind and accept others, but then participate in group chats with the opposite behavior. This is causing a “gotcha, hypocrite” reaction from many people.

It’s a job

Another user points out that being an E-girl is a job, and just like in a strip club, they are doing it for money. They don’t care about their followers, they just want their money. This user is not judging them for it but is pointing out that this is the reality of the situation.

Toxicity in Communities

Another user argues that it is the ranking system that makes communities like this toxic. They mention that whether it’s in a real strip club, platforms like OnlyFans with a ranking system based on earnings, or even in games like Rocket League, when people strive to be the best, drama always arises.

The conversation about E-girls and the drama in their community highlights the negative aspects of these social media personalities. Despite presenting themselves as kind and supportive, behind the scenes, there is a lot of negativity and drama. The ranking system in these communities also contributes to the toxicity. Some users are not judging the E-girls for doing it for money but pointing out that this is the reality of the situation.

Conclusion Egirl Group Chat Leak

The rise and fall of Twitter’s e-girls serves as a cautionary tale for the consequences of promoting harmful and offensive views on social media. It’s important for influencers to be aware of the impact their words and actions can have on their followers and the broader public. The events of this leak have also shown that it’s not just the individuals involved who face consequences, but also companies, sponsors and other parties who have any association with these individuals.

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