diversity visa lottery 2025 dvprogram.state.gov

diversity visa lottery 2025 dvprogram.state.gov
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diversity visa lottery 2025 dvprogram.state.gov
- Step 1: Submit Application
- Step 2: Select Applicants
- Step 3: If Selected
- Step 4: Confirm Your Qualifications
- Step 5: Submit Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration Application
- Step 6: Submit Supporting Documents
- Step 7: Interview
- Step 8: Prepare for Interview
- Step 9: Interview Applicant
- Step 10: After Interview
Do you qualify for the Diversity Visa Program.
The program is also known as the Random Immigration Lottery and the Green Card Lottery. It makes a limited number of immigrant visas available each year to people who meet certain eligibility requirements. These include:
Be a citizen of a country with a low rate of immigration to the United States.
You must have graduated from high school or equivalent or have qualifying work experience.
Every year, the US State Department compiles a list of eligible and ineligible countries. The list of countries may change every year.
How to register for the Diversity Visa Lottery
The dates you can register for the DV lottery change each year. Registration for the 2025 DV Lottery runs from October 4, 2023 to November 7, 2023 at 12 noon ET.
- Read the instructions for the registration process.
- Apply through the electronic Diversity Visa Program portal.
Submit Entry for visa lottery 2025 on dvprogram.state.gov
There is a limited period of time during which you can enroll in the Diversity Visa (DV) program during each fiscal year. Each year the Department of State publishes detailed instructions for entry into the Diversity Visa Program. These instructions include the dates of the registration period during which you will be able to enter.
All entries must be submitted electronically on the Electronic Diversity Visa (E-DV) website within the specified registration period. No late entries or paper entries are accepted. The law allows only one entry per person or per person during each registration period. The Department of State uses sophisticated technology to detect multiple entries. If you submit more than one entry, you will be disqualified. This website does not become active for submitting entries until the date and time specified on the DV Instructions web page.
Detailed instructions for completing the online registration form
After submitting your complete entry, you will see a confirmation screen containing your name and a unique confirmation number. Print this confirmation screen for your records. It is very important that you keep your confirmation number. It is the only way you can check your entry status, and you will need it for further instructions or to schedule a visa interview if you are selected.
There is no cost to enroll in the DV program. We strongly advise you to complete the entry form yourself, without a “Visa Consultant”, “Visa Agent” or other facilitator offering assistance. If someone else helps you, you must be present when you get your entry so that you can provide the correct answers to the questions and keep your confirmation page and unique confirmation number.
Selection of applicants
Each year, the Department of State conducts a random selection of Diversity Visa (DV) applicants, based on the visa allocations available in each region and country, from all registered entries. On or about May 4, 2024, information regarding Entry Status Verification will be updated on the Electronic Diversity Visa (E-DV) website to inform all participants whether or not their online registration has been selected. You will need to enter your confirmation number, which you obtained when filling out your sign-up form, to check your entry status.
If you lose your confirmation number, you will not be able to check the status of your entry. We will not be able to re-send you the confirmation number. Please note: The Department of State will not mail notification letters or notify selected persons by email. weEmbassies and consulates will not provide a list of those selected. Checking entry status on the E-DV website is the only means by which the Department of State notifies selected persons of their selection.
Diversity Visa Program 2024 participants can check the status of their entries on the E-DV website from May 6, 2023 through September 30, 2024.