
Current phase of the moon as an emoji

Kworld Trend / Current phase of the moon as an emoji, I’ll come right out and say it: this one confused me like you wouldn’t believe. When I first started playing The Password Game. After struggling for hours to figure out the fifth rule and flying through the rest. I encountered this one and had to sit there for a few minutes to figure out what I was reading. After some time, I did figure it out, and I’m happy to share the details with you all. If you want to learn more, continue reading to figure out how to include the moon’s current phase as an emoji in your The Password Game answers.

All possible Rule 13 answers for The Password Game

If you are looking for the current phase of the moon as an emoji, look no further. Rule 13 of The Password Game can be an intimidating part of the game. But, if we do a little research, we can easily find out the current phase of the moon and add the corresponding emoji to your password.

First, we must figure out the current phase of the moon. There are eight phases of the moon, with each one lasting about six to eight days. To figure out where we’re at today, simply click here for the current phase of the moon.

Current phase of the moon as an emoji

Once you know the current phase of the moon based on which day it is, you can now move on to the next part of solving Rule 13. Which emoji correctly depicts the current phase of the moon?

Below you’ll find a list of all the possible combinations. All you have to do is look for the current phase of the moon below, and copy and paste it into your password on The Password Game.

How to tell the current moon phase

The moon has eight total phases. Though the length of each lunar cycle varies, it typically takes approximately 29 days to complete each cycle and rotate back around to the very beginning. You can tell the current phase of the moon the old fashioned way, waiting for nighttime and then venturing outside to see the current phase.

Adversely, you could also just ask Google. By simply typing in “What is the moon phase tonight,” you will be greeted with plenty of answers reflecting the current phase of the moon. After you have found out what phase the moon is currently in, now you only need to find the corresponding emoji.

The Password Game Rule 13 Guide – Current Phase of the Moon Emoji

Moon phases change every few days, cycling between eight different ones:

  • New Moon – 🌑
  • Waxing Crescent – 🌒
  • First Quarter – 🌓
  • Waxing Gibbous – 🌔
  • Full Moon – 🌕
  • Waning Gibbous – 🌖
  • Third Quarter – 🌗
  • Waning Crescent – 🌘

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