
complete explanation of digital marketing by amalan

Digital Marketing Complete Explanation

Rewritten by: Charles James

In this article, we’ll explore the importance of digital marketing and why it’s crucial for businesses of all sizes. To make it easy to follow along, we’ll divide the article into 3 main sections: introduction and why digital marketing is important, types of digital marketing strategies and techniques.

I. Introduction

Before we dive into the specifics of digital marketing, let’s define what it is. Digital marketing refers to the use of digital channels such as search engines, social media, email, and websites to promote a product or service. With the growth of the internet and the increasing number of people using digital channels, digital marketing has become an essential part of any business’s marketing strategy.

In this article, we’ll explore the top reasons why digital marketing is important for businesses. From reaching a wider audience to increasing conversions, digital marketing can help take your business to the next level.

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II. Why is Digital Marketing Important?

Reaches a Wider Audience

One of the most significant advantages of digital marketing is its ability to reach a vast audience. Traditional marketing methods, such as print and radio ads, are limited by their geographic reach. In contrast, digital marketing can reach people worldwide, allowing businesses to expand their customer base.


Another benefit of digital marketing is its cost-effectiveness. Traditional marketing methods can be expensive, and small businesses may not have the budget to compete with larger companies. Digital marketing, however, can be done on a small budget, making it accessible to businesses of all sizes.

Targeted Marketing

Digital marketing allows businesses to target specific audiences based on factors such as demographics, interests, and online behavior. This targeted approach can increase the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, leading to higher conversion rates and a better return on investment.

Measurable Results

One of the biggest advantages of digital marketing is the ability to track and measure results. With traditional marketing, it can be challenging to determine the success of a campaign. Digital marketing, however, provides detailed analytics, allowing businesses to adjust their strategy based on what works and what doesn’t.

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III. Types of Digital Marketing Strategies and Techniques

Digital marketing is not just limited to search engine optimization and social media marketing. There are numerous other digital marketing strategies and techniques that businesses can leverage to improve their online presence and reach a wider audience. Here are some of the most popular types of digital marketing strategies and techniques:

Content Marketing:

Content marketing involves creating and sharing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience. It includes blog posts, articles, infographics, videos, and other types of content. The goal of content marketing is to establish the business as a thought leader in its industry and provide value to its audience.

Email Marketing:

Email marketing involves sending targeted emails to a list of subscribers who have given their consent to receive updates from the business. It is an effective way to stay in touch with customers, promote products and services, and drive sales.

Pay-Per-Click Advertising:

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising involves placing ads on search engines and social media platforms and paying each time someone clicks on the ad. It is a highly targeted form of advertising that can generate immediate results.

Affiliate Marketing:

Affiliate marketing involves partnering with other businesses or individuals to promote a product or service. The affiliate earns a commission for every sale made through their unique referral link.

Influencer Marketing:

Influencer marketing involves partnering with social media influencers who have a large following to promote a product or service. It is a powerful way to reach a highly engaged audience and generate brand awareness.

Video Marketing:

Video marketing involves creating and sharing videos to promote a product or service. It is a highly engaging form of content that can generate a lot of interest and shares on social media platforms.

Search Engine Optimization:

Search engine optimization (SEO) involves optimizing a website to improve its ranking on search engine results pages. It includes on-page optimization, off-page optimization, and technical SEO.

These are just some of the many types of digital marketing strategies and techniques available to businesses. By leveraging a combination of these strategies, businesses can create a comprehensive digital marketing plan that reaches their target audience and drives business growth.

The Least Common but Most Effective Types of Digital Marketing Strategies and Techniques

Digital marketing is a broad term that encompasses various methods and techniques to promote a brand, product, or service online. However, not all digital marketing strategies are equally effective or popular. Some of them are more common and widely used as we discussed before such as social media marketing, email marketing, or search engine optimization (SEO). Others are less common but can be more impactful and innovative, such as influencer marketing, podcasting, or interactive content.

In this section of the post, I will share with you some of the least common but most effective types of digital marketing strategies and techniques that you can use to boost your online presence and reach your target audience. I will also provide you with some tips and best practices on how to implement them successfully and optimize them for SEO.

Influencer Marketing

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is a type of digital marketing that involves collaborating with influential people who have a large and loyal following on social media platforms. These influencers can help you spread the word about your brand, product, or service to their followers, who trust their opinions and recommendations.

Influencer marketing can be very effective because it leverages the power of word-of-mouth and social proof. According to a study by Nielsen, 92% of consumers trust recommendations from people they know over any other form of advertising. Moreover, influencer marketing can help you reach new and niche audiences that may not be aware of your brand or may not respond to traditional advertising.

However, influencer marketing is not as easy at all. You need to find the right influencers who match your brand values, target audience, and goals. You also need to establish a clear and mutually beneficial relationship with them, where you provide them with value and creative freedom in exchange for their endorsement. You also need to measure the results of your influencer marketing campaigns and adjust them accordingly.

Some tips and best practices for influencer marketing are:

  • Do your research. Identify the influencers who have a relevant and engaged audience for your niche. You can use tools like BuzzSumo or Upfluence to find them.
  • Reach out to them personally and professionally. Explain why you want to work with them and what value you can offer them. Be respectful and transparent about your expectations and budget.
  • Co-create the content with them. Let them use their own voice and style to promote your brand, product, or service. Give them some guidelines but don’t micromanage them. Trust their expertise and creativity.
  • Track and analyze the performance of your influencer marketing campaigns. Use metrics like impressions, reach, engagement, clicks, conversions, or sales to measure the impact of your influencers. You can also use tools like Google Analytics or Bitly to track the links they share.
  • Maintain a long-term relationship with your influencers. Don’t treat them as one-time partners but as valuable collaborators. Show your appreciation and recognition for their work. Keep in touch with them and provide them with feedback and support.


Podcasting is a type of digital marketing that involves creating and distributing audio content that can be listened to on-demand via various platforms like Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or Google Podcasts. Podcasting can help you establish yourself as an authority in your field, educate your audience about your brand, product, or service, and build a loyal and engaged community around your niche.

Podcasting can be very effective because it allows you to communicate with your audience in a more personal and intimate way than other forms of content. According to a study by Edison Research, 80% of podcast listeners listen to all or most of each episode they start. Moreover, podcasting can help you reach a large and growing audience that prefers audio content over text or video. According to Statista, there were 55% of Americans who listened to podcasts in 2020.

However, podcasting is not as simple as it seems. You need to have a clear purpose and goal for your podcast, as well as a unique angle and value proposition for your listeners. You also need to invest in quality equipment and software to produce high-quality audio content that sounds professional and engaging. You also need to promote your podcast effectively and consistently to attract and retain listeners.

Some tips and best practices for podcasting are:

  • Define your niche and target audience. Choose a topic that you are passionate about and knowledgeable about, and that appeals to a specific segment of listeners who share your interest.
  • Plan your podcast format and structure. Decide on the length, frequency, style, tone, and format of your podcast episodes. You can choose between solo episodes where you talk about a topic by yourself; interviews where you invite guests to share their insights; roundtables where you discuss a topic with other experts; or stories where you narrate a compelling narrative that resonates with your audience.
  • Invest in quality equipment and software. You need to have a good microphone, headphones, recording software, and editing software to produce a podcast that sounds professional and engaging. You can also hire a professional audio engineer or editor to help you improve the quality of your audio.
  • Promote your podcast effectively. You need to have a website or landing page for your podcast, as well as a social media presence on platforms like Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook, where you can share your episodes and engage with your listeners. You can also use email marketing, guest appearances on other podcasts, or paid advertising to promote your podcast and attract new listeners.
  • Measure and optimize your podcast performance. You can use metrics like downloads, listens, ratings, reviews, or engagement to measure the success of your podcast and identify areas for improvement. You can also use analytics tools like Libsyn or Podtrac to track your podcast’s performance and optimize your marketing strategy.

Interactive Content

Interactive Content

Interactive content is a type of digital marketing that involves creating content that engages the audience and encourages them to interact with it actively. Examples of interactive content include quizzes, polls, surveys, calculators, games, or augmented reality experiences. Interactive content can help you increase engagement, brand awareness, and lead generation by providing a fun and memorable experience for your audience.

Interactive content can be very effective because it allows you to personalize the user experience and create a sense of ownership and involvement for your audience. According to a study by Content Marketing Institute, 81% of marketers agree that interactive content grabs attention more effectively than static content. Moreover, interactive content can help you collect valuable data and insights about your audience’s preferences, needs, and behaviors.

However, interactive content is not as easy as it sounds. You need to have a clear purpose and goal for your interactive content, as well as a creative and user-friendly design that encourages participation and sharing. You also need to optimize your interactive content for different platforms and devices and test it extensively before launching it.

Some tips and best practices for interactive content are:

  • Choose the right type of interactive content for your goal and audience. You can use quizzes to test your audience’s knowledge or personality traits; polls to gather opinions or feedback; surveys to collect data or insights; calculators to provide customized recommendations or estimates; games to entertain and educate; or augmented reality experiences to showcase your product or service.
  • Design your interactive content with the user in mind. Use a simple and intuitive interface, clear instructions, and engaging visuals and animations to make your interactive content easy and fun to use. Also, optimize your interactive content for different platforms and devices, including mobile devices.
  • Promote your interactive content effectively. Use social media, email marketing, or paid advertising to promote your interactive content and attract your target audience. You can also incentivize participation by offering rewards or discounts to the winners or participants.
  • Measure and optimize your interactive content performance. Use metrics like participation rate, completion rate, time spent, social shares, or leads generated to measure the success of your interactive content and identify areas for improvement. You can also use analytics tools like Google Analytics or Hotjar to track the user behavior on your interactive content and optimize your marketing strategy.


In conclusion, digital marketing is a dynamic and multifaceted field that requires a combination of different strategies and techniques to reach and engage your target audience online. From social media marketing to email marketing, SEO, influencer marketing, podcasting, and interactive content, there are various ways to promote your brand, product, or service and build a loyal and engaged community around your niche.

The key to success in digital marketing is to have a clear understanding of your audience’s needs and preferences, as well as a data-driven and creative approach to crafting and distributing your content.

By following the best practices and tips shared in this blog post, you can optimize your digital marketing efforts and achieve your business goals effectively and efficiently.

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