
Children’s wishes at Christmas time 

Christmas poem

The wish list as a Christmas poem – children’s wishes at Christmas time 

I wish for a rocking horse

I wish for a rocking horse, a
fortress and soldiers
and armor and a sword
like the knights had.
I wish for three books of fairy tales
and paints for painting
and picture sheets and paper
and gold and silver bowls.
A domino, a game of lottery,
a puppet show, don’t forget
a new brush handle either, dear father! A tent and six guns then, and a new chariot , and a harness with bells on it to wear at horse games. A perspective, a zootrope, a magic lantern, a magnifying glass, a kaleidoscope  – i

I would like it all.

I’m really missing – you probably know –
a new sledge,
and I would also like to
ask for ice skates.
Around white animals also of wood
and colored ones of cardboard,
around a proud helmet with feathers
and a braided portfolio.
Also a big Christmas tree with
a hundred lights shining on it,
with marzipan and sugar foam
and chocolate wreaths.
But if all this seems too much to you,
and if you want to choose from it,
the brush handle
and the portfolio could well be missing.
When Hans spoke like this,
you can see the parents laughing:
“What do you want, little insatiable,
with all the many things?”
“Whoever wishes so much,” the father speaks,
“doesn’t get an eighth either 
– he gets a very small bit of nothing
in a box of three!”

Heinrich Seidel

From the Honey Cake Man I don’t want any dolls –  dolls are none of my business

What can make me happy and refresh is a honey cake man. Such a man with body and clothing through and through with candy. A honey boy looks at himself more handsomely than a doll , a whole group of dolls cannot please me so much. But if I look at you properly, I feel sorry for you, dear man. Because you have been chosen to die – no matter how good I am in you, even if you have lost a leg. if the other hurts you: Poor honey cake man, doesn’t help you, you have to get to it.

Hoffmann von Fallersleben

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Christmas Poems – Tales in verse from the gingerbread man, Knecht Ruprecht, Santa Claus and Nicholas

Story of a Gingerbread Man Once upon
a time there was a gingerbread man,
of stature, tall and powerful,
and as far as his inner value was concerned,
the baker said: “Magnificent”.
On the basis of this brilliant certificate,
Uncle Heller bought it
and placed it on the Christmas plate of his godchild,
But as soon as Fritz got into conversation with the gingerbread man , he – out of politeness – had already taken off his cap.

When the gingerbread man went to sleep,
he bent over with pain: his proud raisin heart
was almost completely missing on his left side !

When Fritz the gingerbread man the next day,
visited, very early and alone,
oh horrible, the poor fellow
was already missing an arm and both legs!
And where the mighty hawk’s nose once sat on the gingerbread man, there was a hole! And he silently cried a brownish bubble of syrup.

From now on, the gingerbread man
met a tormenting, horrible end: the last piece ended up in Sister Margeretchen’s hands
through an exchange .

As a careful housewife, she cooked a hearty , delicious soup
for her hungry doll
on her new alcohol stove.

And that happened to the gingerbread man,
whom so many admired
in his beauty at Baker Schmidt’s,
in nineteen hundred.

(Jens Paul Richter)

Servant Ruprecht
Good evening, old and young,
I’m well known enough. I come from outside the forest; I have to tell you, it’s very Christmassy! Everywhere on the tops of the firs I saw little golden lights; and the Christ child looked out from heaven’s gate with big eyes. And as I stumbled through the dark fir trees, it called me in a clear voice: “Servant Ruprecht,” it cried, “old fellow, raise your legs and hurry up! The candles begin to burn, heaven’s gate is open ! Old and young should now have a rest from the hunt of life; and tomorrow I’ll fly down to earth,

because it’s going to be Christmas again! 
I said: “O dear Lord Christ,
my journey is almost over; I’m only supposed to go to this town where there are nothing but good children.” “Have you got the little bag with you too?” I said: “The little bag is here; because pious children like to eat apples, nuts and almond kernels .” “Have you got the rod too?” I said: “The rod is here; but only for the children, the bad ones, she hits the part, the right one. ” Christ Child said: “That’s right; so go with God, my faithful servant!” I come from outside the forest;

Now speak, as I find it here!
Are they good children, are they bad children?

Theordor Storm
Pin on Pinterest now3 different Christmas cards with personal photo and Christmas poem
© Kartenmacherei

Modern Christmas Poems

market What a merry forest
has gathered around the gray castle,
a green moving conifer,
not bound by any roots!
Instead of the warm sun, the tumbled gold shines
through the treetops;
here they bake cakes, there they roast sausages,
the incense wafts around the peaks.
It’s a happy life in the forest,
the people fill the rooms;
who never planted a rice with tears,
they fell the trees happiest.
One buys a modest plant
to present as presents,
the other a mighty bush
with three nuts to hang from it.
There haggles for a stunted rice
a woman with sharp weapons:
The thin piece of silver shall
procure the tree and the fruit at the same time!
With a glowing nose the lackey drags
the heavy fir from inside,
the little pigtail carries a little ladder
to climb the green pinnacles.
And when night comes, the forest sings
and sways in the gaslight;
Anxious, the poor mother leads her child
past the magic grove.
I once saw a Christmas tree:
in the gloomy mountain spell, the old weathered fir
stood on the granite covered in ice
the stars had risen beautifully between the branches,
and I was horrified
to see old Schmidin hanging from the lowest branch.
The moon shone brightly in her face,
which festively silently transfigured;
because she had nothing else in the world
, she had given herself.

Gottfried Keller

The Wonderful Tradition of Christmas Poems for Children

Singing songs, baking gingerbread, lighting candles – is there anything nicer than following old traditions in the run-up to Christmas, getting creative with DIY ideas and homemade gifts and looking forward to the Christ child, the family or the presents? It’s not just the children who are happily and impatiently looking forward to Christmas. Did you grow up with Christmas poems and stories, or did you only discover the magic of Christmas poems later? Find out more about how Germany celebrates Christmas .

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Rainer Maria Rilke, Heinrich Heine, Anna Ritter, Erich Kästner and many more get you in the mood for the festival. Young and old love her rhymes. Do you have a favorite poet or poem?

Christmas poems of children bring peace and contemplation to Advent

“Advent” comes from Latin and means arrival. That is what the poems are about: the arrival of the Christmas season, the arrival of Jesus or Christmas Eve. During the Advent season, poems give us the chance to reflect on our desires, to pause and escape the pre-Christmas hustle and bustle for a moment. It’s about togetherness. We can use the long evenings to give each other time to read and tell stories.

When we sit around the Advent wreath with friends and family, tell stories or recite poems, it’s a nice custom that the children like to take part in too. Poems are most magical when you recite them out loud. Immerse yourself in the words and the melody of the verses. Forgive yourself for supposed mistakes when reading aloud, don’t forget: It’s not about perfection, it’s about joy. Find out more about how you can experience the run-up to Christmas without stress .

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