news site review

Blog.Sikidang.Com Site Review: Honest Review
by Charles James

If you are looking for a website that offers informative and engaging content on big data analytics, you might have come across Blog.Sikidang.Com.

This website claims to provide articles on various topics related to big data, such as popular tools, ethics, applications, and trends. But is Blog.Sikidang.Com a reliable and trustworthy source of information? In this review, I will evaluate the website based on several criteria, such as design, content quality, relevance, originality, and user experience.


The first impression of Blog.Sikidang.Com is that it has a simple and minimalist design. The website uses a white background with black text and blue accents. The layout is easy to navigate, with a menu bar at the top that links to different categories of articles. The homepage features a grid of recent posts with catchy titles and images. The website also has a sidebar that displays popular posts, recent comments, and social media icons. The design is responsive and adapts well to different screen sizes and devices.

  • Simple and minimalist design
  • Easy to navigate layout with a menu bar at the top and a sidebar
  • Responsive design that adapts well to different screen sizes and devices

Content Quality

The content quality of Blog.Sikidang.Com is variable. Some articles are well-written and informative, while others are poorly-written and superficial.

The articles cover a range of topics related to big data analytics, such as tools, ethics, applications, and trends. However, some articles are more relevant and updated than others.

For example, the article on “Big Data Analytics Made Easy: An Introduction to Popular Tools” provides a useful overview of some common tools for big data analysis, such as Hadoop, Spark, R, Python, and Tableau.

The article also explains the advantages and disadvantages of each tool and provides links to resources for further learning. On the other hand, the article on “The Ethics of Big Data: Balancing Innovation and Privacy” is vague and generic.

The article does not provide any specific examples or cases of ethical dilemmas or challenges related to big data analytics. The article also does not offer any solutions or recommendations for addressing these issues.

  • Variable content quality
  • Some articles are well-written and informative, while others are poorly-written and superficial
  • Covers a range of topics related to big data analytics, but some articles are more relevant and updated than others
  • Example of a well-written article: “Big Data Analytics Made Easy: An Introduction to Popular Tools”
  • Example of a poorly-written article: “The Ethics of Big Data: Balancing Innovation and Privacy”


The relevance of Blog.Sikidang.Com depends on your interest and needs.

If you are looking for a website that provides general information and insights on big data analytics, you might find some value in Blog.Sikidang.Com. However, if you are looking for a website that provides more in-depth and specialized knowledge on big data analytics, you might be disappointed by Blog.Sikidang.Com.

The website does not cover some important topics or aspects of big data analytics, such as data quality, data governance, data security, data visualization, data storytelling, or data science.

The website also does not feature any experts or professionals in the field of big data analytics who can share their experiences or opinions.

  • Relevance depends on user interest and needs
  • Provides general information and insights on big data analytics, but lacks in-depth and specialized knowledge
  • Does not cover important topics or aspects of big data analytics, such as data quality, data governance, data security, data visualization, data storytelling, or data science
  • Does not feature any experts or professionals in the field of big data analytics


The originality of Blog.Sikidang.Com is questionable. Some articles seem to be copied or paraphrased from other sources without proper attribution or citation.

For example, the article on “The Top 7 Big Data Analytics in Healthcare Companies of Today” is almost identical to an article published by Forbes in 2019 (

The article does not mention or link to the original source or author. This raises doubts about the credibility and authenticity of Blog.Sikidang.Com.

  • Questionable originality
  • Some articles seem to be copied or paraphrased from other sources without proper attribution or citation

User Experience

The user experience of Blog.Sikidang.Com is satisfactory but not exceptional. The website loads fast and has no pop-ups or ads that interfere with the reading experience.

The website also allows users to comment on the articles and share them on social media platforms. However, the website does not have any features that enhance the user engagement or interaction, such as polls, quizzes, videos, podcasts, newsletters, or forums.

The website also does not have any contact information or feedback mechanism for users to reach out to the website owner or administrator.

  • Satisfactory but not exceptional user experience
  • Fast loading website with no pop-ups or ads
  • Allows users to comment on articles and share them on social media platforms
  • Lacks features that enhance user engagement or interaction, such as polls, quizzes, videos, podcasts, newsletters, or forums
  • Lacks contact information or feedback mechanism for users to reach out to the website owner or administrator


  • Offers basic information and insights on big data analytics, but has several drawbacks that limit its value and appeal
  • Inconsistent content quality, questionable originality, limited relevance, and mediocre user experience
  • Not recommended as a reliable and trustworthy source of information on big data analytics
  • Users serious about learning and mastering big data analytics should look for other websites or resources that provide more comprehensive, authoritative, and up-to-date content.

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