news business business, is a business that operates as an online education platform in Indonesia. It offers various courses for students, professionals, and entrepreneurs, with the aim of empowering them with practical knowledge and skills to succeed in their respective fields. This essay provides an overview of the business, highlighting its background, target audience, offerings, and impact.

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Background was founded in 2017 by a group of Indonesian educators who saw the need to bridge the gap between traditional education and the demands of the modern world. They noticed that many students were graduating from universities without the practical skills needed to excel in their careers. Moreover, many professionals and entrepreneurs lacked the necessary knowledge and skills to compete effectively in their industries. Therefore, they created a platform that could offer practical and affordable education to anyone with an internet connection. business business

Target Audience

The target audience for is broad and diverse. The platform caters to students from high school to university level who want to supplement their classroom learning with practical knowledge and skills. It also caters to professionals who want to upskill or reskill to remain relevant in their industries. Furthermore, targets entrepreneurs who want to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to start and grow their businesses.

Offerings offers various courses across different fields, including technology, business, design, and language. The courses are designed by industry experts and experienced educators who understand the needs of learners in the modern world. The platform offers both free and paid courses, making it accessible to anyone regardless of their financial capacity. Moreover, the courses are available in various formats, including text-based articles, videos, and podcasts, making it easy for learners to choose the most convenient format. business business

Impact has had a significant impact on the Indonesian education sector since its inception. It has helped to bridge the gap between traditional education and the demands of the modern world, providing learners with practical knowledge and skills that they can apply in their respective fields. Moreover, it has empowered many entrepreneurs to start and grow their businesses by providing them with the necessary knowledge and skills. Additionally, the platform has helped to democratize education in Indonesia by making it accessible to anyone with an internet connection, regardless of their financial capacity.

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