anime &manga

bad thinking diary chapter 59 mangabuddy

Manga, a popular form of Japanese comic art, has gained immense popularity worldwide due to its ability to captivate readers through engaging storytelling and captivating visuals. Among the vast array of manga genres, psychological manga often stands out, offering readers a glimpse into the complex workings of the human mind. In this essay, we will delve into Chapter 59 of the manga series “Bad Thinking Diary,” published by MangaBuddy, and explore how it portrays the intricacies of human cognition and the consequences of flawed thinking.

Plot Summary:

Chapter 59 of “Bad Thinking Diary” follows the protagonist, Yukihiro, a troubled teenager struggling with anxiety and self-doubt. The story unfolds as Yukihiro starts maintaining a diary to document his negative thoughts, which he dubs the “Bad Thinking Diary.” As Yukihiro pours his deepest fears and insecurities onto paper, readers are given an intimate look into his mind, providing a unique perspective on the complexities of human thought processes.

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Exploring Flawed Thinking:

The chapter effectively highlights various forms of flawed thinking that plague Yukihiro’s mind. The manga explores cognitive distortions such as catastrophizing, overgeneralization, and black-and-white thinking. These distortions amplify Yukihiro’s negative experiences, leading to a vicious cycle of self-deprecation and further reinforcing his negative mindset.

Catastrophizing, for instance, is vividly depicted as Yukihiro magnifies the potential negative outcomes of everyday situations. This exaggerated perspective distorts his perception of reality, causing unnecessary anxiety and distress. Through these portrayals, the manga artist skillfully conveys the detrimental effects of irrational thinking on mental well-being.

The Consequences of Bad Thinking:

Chapter 59 of “Bad Thinking Diary” emphasizes the profound impact that negative thinking can have on an individual’s daily life and relationships. Yukihiro’s negative mindset affects his interactions with friends, family, and even himself. The manga demonstrates how his distorted thoughts color his experiences and create a self-fulfilling prophecy of loneliness and isolation.

Furthermore, the story sheds light on the cycle of self-sabotage that often accompanies flawed thinking patterns. Yukihiro’s negative thoughts influence his behavior, causing him to make poor decisions and miss out on opportunities for personal growth. This destructive cycle perpetuates his negative thinking, making it increasingly challenging for him to break free from his mental prison.

Themes of Self-Awareness and Growth:

Despite the somber tone, Chapter 59 of “Bad Thinking Diary” also explores themes of self-awareness and growth. As Yukihiro continues writing in his diary, he gradually becomes more conscious of his flawed thinking patterns. This newfound self-awareness opens the door to self-reflection and personal development.

Through introspection, Yukihiro begins to challenge his negative beliefs, questioning their validity and exploring alternative perspectives. This transformative process is beautifully portrayed, showcasing the power of self-reflection and the potential for positive change that lies within each individual.


Chapter 59 of “Bad Thinking Diary” in MangaBuddy provides a thought-provoking exploration of flawed thinking and its profound impact on an individual’s mental well-being. By vividly illustrating the consequences of negative thought patterns, the manga encourages readers to reflect upon their own cognitive distortions and recognize the importance of self-awareness and positive thinking.

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