
hello baby manga chapter 4

“Hello Baby” is a heartwarming manga series by Yumiko Suzuki. In chapter 4, we continue to follow the story of Sora, a high school student who suddenly becomes a single father after his sister dies in a car accident. Sora is struggling to balance his new responsibilities as a parent with his school work and social life.

Chapter 4 begins with Sora struggling to wake up early in the morning to take care of his daughter, Chiru. He finds it difficult to juggle his parenting duties with school and ends up falling asleep during class. His teacher, Mr. Matsuzaki, notices and confronts Sora about his lack of focus. Sora explains his situation, and Mr. Matsuzaki offers to help by providing him with extra support and resources.

hello baby manga chapter 4

Meanwhile, Sora’s childhood friend, Yui, is concerned about him and decides to visit him at his house. She offers to help with taking care of Chiru, and Sora gratefully accepts. Yui proves to be a natural with children, and Chiru quickly warms up to her. Sora is relieved to have someone he can trust to help him out, and the two spend some quality time catching up.

Later in the chapter, Sora’s best friend, Ryo, visits him at his house. Ryo is initially hesitant about interacting with Chiru, but Sora encourages him to give it a try. Ryo quickly realizes how much joy Chiru brings to Sora’s life and becomes more supportive of his friend’s new role as a father.

Overall, chapter 4 of “Hello Baby” continues to explore the challenges and rewards of parenthood. Sora is struggling to balance his responsibilities, but he is surrounded by supportive friends and teachers who are willing to help him out. The manga presents a heartwarming and realistic portrayal of the joys and difficulties of raising a child as a single parent. Readers can’t help but feel invested in Sora’s story and root for him as he navigates this new phase in his life.

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