
Who is Erdi Harmancı?

Get to know Erdi Harmancı

It is alleged that Erdi Harmancı is the person who abducted the daughter of the woman called Nergiz Hanım, who participated in Esra Erol’s program, when program participant Nargiz hanım announced that his daughter had been kidnapped.

And there are those who accused Erdi of also kidnapping the contestant’s cousin, Jamza, before he kidnapped his daughter. While Esra Erol reveals personal information about Erdi Harmanci, after searching for him, she discovers he is married and has two children, and added that he left a wife and child before that, fleeing to another distant town to start a new marriage.

What is the Esra Erol Ayfer Erdi affair, who is Erdi Harmancı? Why did Nergiz faint, did Erdi kidnap her daughter Gamze?

The love affair in Esra Erol shocked the audience. 

Yeşim, who applied to Esra Erol last year, saying, “My wife does not show my child,” agreed to leave, and agreed to have the official wedding of her religious spouse and Ayfer, with whom she lived, to be held live. 

A year passed, Nergiz claimed that both her own daughter and her brother-in-law’s daughter were kidnapped by Erdi. T

he ex-wife Yeşim said that Erdi has a plan to live in the same house with all her wives. Nergiz Hanım, who applied to Esra Erol while the case was closing, claimed that Erdi Harmancı had kidnapped her daughter, whom she met on TikTok, and Erdi Harmancı came to the fore again. 

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Well, what is the Esra Erol Ayfer Erdi affair, who is Erdi Harmancı? Why did Nergiz faint, did Erdi kidnap her daughter Gamze?

Nergiz Hanım, who participated in Esra Erol’s program, asked for help by saying that her daughter was kidnapped by a married man. After the incident was brought up on the live broadcast, it turned out that the married man had another religious marriage wife. Alright,Esra Erol AyferWhat’s the Erdi thing, Erdi Harmanciwho? Why did Nergiz faint, did Erdi kidnap her daughter Gamze?


18-year-old Yeşim, who appeared on Esra Erol’s program on December 24, 2020, said that her husband Erdi, who was married at the age of 15, kidnapped their 2.5-year-old son Yakup and did not show him.

Yeşim, who said that her husband Erdi was in a relationship with Ayfer, the daughter of her own aunt, and that they had two children from this union, asked Erdi for her child in tears.

Erdi, on the other hand, went on the air and said, “Yeşim had a civil marriage with someone else. If I beat her, why did she marry someone else?” She tried Esra Erol’s patience quite a bit by making sentences that insulted women.

Ayfer, on the other hand, connected to the broadcast and said, “Yeşim is lying. When I was married to Erdi – the imam is married – she got into the blood of my husband and tried to destroy my home. Why did I not have a civil marriage?child

You did it, come on, why did you have a child, why did you have a civil marriage with someone else?” and Yeşim’s question “You are not officially married, why did you have two children then?”

Speaking to his first wife, Yashim Harmanci, she said he kidnapped her son and ran away with him seven months ago.

The Whole Story of Erdi Harmancı

After that, his second wife, Necdet, appeared in Tik Tok music videos, including Erdi Harmancı’s “Keep My Mind on You” music video for his debut song. Ms. Narges filed a complaint against Erdi based on what happened to her daughter and they had this conversation:

Gamze Eler: “Mom, why did you go there?”

I am currently with Erdi Harmancı. with Erdi
My friend since November 22, I left my home in Antalya and went to Erdi.

Did he call you and threaten to post your photos? Was it Erdi when you complained?
It is not certain that he did. Yes, I filed a complaint against Ardi.
“After talking to you, this man went to talk to your cousin Kansuo. What is this man’s intention? Why is he making friends?”
“We have a church wedding,” Eiler told Eroll. He said he filed for divorce from his officially married wife. In his remarks, Eyler said: “I’m running away from that.

Shall we ask your wife what you said, and what would you do if it wasn’t so? After his remarks, Ayfer called the show live and said, “My husband is 15.
I’m not home for days. He told me I was going to jail. He said he would stay there for two days. Then he kidnapped a girl, but Erdi always denied it.

This girl is Kansu. Esra’s sister said Erdi never came home after that. “I know my husband is in jail,” Ever said. “He has another daughter, I missed it, I just found out.”
But as far as I know, there is no divorce case!

Completion of the Story of Erdi Harmancı

In a statement, Iver said, “As far as I know, there is no divorce case. I don’t know if he has filed a lawsuit. I’m all for coming here.”
He threatens to have a child with Gamze, then Gamze will leave. I don’t know what Gamze would expect from such a person. I want. Please divorce.

“The woman on the phone is a liar,” she said, winking. This woman is lying. Esraa
Madam, take my image away, don’t call me anymore. Erdi’s father: My son filed for divorce against Efer and I know it!As Erdi’s father, Turgut Bey, called the broadcast live, “I don’t know the lady next to you. I just heard on TV that he kidnapped Gamze.

As for Aifer, I know that my son filed for divorce against her. Ayfer lie. This lady is talking about the kidnapping of two girls from the same family. she lies.

When asked if you support your son with these measures, he replied: “I support my son. I am a grandfather
I have grandchildren. I don’t support anyone.”

If her daughter is an honest person, she knows my son has four children. Why would Gamze run away knowing this? In this case, the problem comes from the girl.
If she was a girl with values, she wouldn’t have run away.”

Turgut Bey continued his explanations by saying that his son is a dental technician and works in the laboratory.

Well, we didn’t know what to say, we are watching what happened in shock… And yet we have no choice but to leave the comment to you… Let’s meet in the comments…

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