
Nina app download for Android and iPhone

warn app nina

Kworld trend / Nina app download for Android and iPhone.

Information about NINA

The “Emergency Information and Messages App” (“NINA” for short) from the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance warns you on the iPad or iPhone nationwide of floods, storms and other dangers. In the iOS app, you can enter the desired locations for which you would like to be notified. You can use the symbols to see directly what type of warning message it is. By tapping on an entry, you will receive general information on the respective subject as well as a reference to the publisher. In the map view, you can get an overview of the affected areas on the map of Germany. “NINA” also offers general tips on how to behave correctly in certain emergency situations. In the settings you can specify, if required, from which warning level you would like to be informed by push notification. Practical: Thanks to the offline function, the app can also be used with a poor or no internet connection.

About Nina app

The NINA alert app (app for emergency information and news) warns you of dangers all over Germany, including your current location if you want. The app is provided by the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief (BBK).

The technical starting point for NINA is the federal modular warning system (MoWaS). This is operated by the BBK for national civil defense warnings. Since 2013, all situation centers of the federal states and many already connected control centers of cities and municipalities can use the warning system.

Note: Local event alerts are not available everywhere. Please find out from your district or city which options are used to warn the population there.

With NINA you get:

  • Alert messages from civil protection with recommendations for action
  • Warnings from the DWD (throughout Germany for all districts and cities)
  • Flood information (national at state level)
  • General emergency tips so you can protect yourself and others from possible dangers.

last changes
NINA – The warning app of the BBK – Android app was last updated on September 20th, 2022 and is available for download here in version 3.4.2.
The CHIP editorial team says:

The free warning app “NINA” brings you Germany-wide emergency information and news about storms, floods and other major disasters.

NINA: The warning app of the BBK

With “NINA”, the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance is bringing a free warning app to your smartphone, which, thanks to the inclusion of data from so-called “MoWaS”, i.e. modular warning systems, provides very precise information.

But “NINA” can do more than just warnings. The app also provides detailed help on what needs to be considered in the event of flooding or the like and how damage can best be prevented. Thus, the clever app can help you in advance to protect yourself from worse accidents and high costs.

If you have enabled location services on your device, “NINA” will provide you with accurate information for your current area. Additionally or alternatively, you can subscribe to places you want to be informed about. For a better overview, the individual locations can be sorted and arranged as required. So that you are not bothered by duplicate warnings, the current location is combined with the subscribed locations if they match.


NINA allows you to select locations for which you want to receive alerts. These are displayed in the overview “My places”. In the settings menu, you can specify the alert level at which you should be notified via push notification. Optionally, you can also receive alerts for your current location. No location data is stored on our servers. Please note: in order to properly display location-related alerts, NINA must be able to determine your location. Poor reception can lead to incorrect displays.

The danger area of a warning can be displayed in the map view. The flood information is currently only issued at the state level. All warning messages are displayed on the map, even if you have not selected the location.

The emergency tips contain recommendations on topics such as floods, storms, power outages, fires and special danger situations. Find out how to prepare for such events. You will also find instructions on how to act in the event that you are affected by an event. You can immediately start with the practical checklists.

What is the warning app NINA?

With the federal emergency information and news app, or NINA warning app for short, you will receive important warnings from civil protection for various hazardous situations such as the spread of hazardous substances or a major fire. Weather warnings from the German weather service and flood information from the responsible authorities in the federal states are also integrated into the warning app.

Subscribe to areas and locations for which you would like to be warned: counties, municipalities or radiuses of nine and one square kilometers around a freely selectable location are possible. If you wish, the warning app NINA will also warn you for your current location. We do not collect any location data. You can find more detailed information on the location function in our functional description of the NINA warning app.

The NINA warning app also provides you with up-to-date and helpful information on the corona pandemic (COVID-19). For your subscribed locations and, if activated, your current location, you can use the warning app to find out about locally applicable regulations and general decrees.

Link to download warning app NINA

Download warning app NINA for iPhone here.

Download warning app NINA for Android here.

Important smartphone settings for push notifications

Certain system settings are necessary to ensure that you receive all civil protection warnings that are relevant to you via push notification. These apply equally to the iOS and Android operating systems. In addition, further individual settings are necessary, which vary depending on the manufacturer and operating system. Below you will find step-by-step instructions as well as special manufacturer and device-specific information.

The information and instructions on important smartphone settings from operating systems and device manufacturers are continuously updated.



Notes about in-app permissions:

Memory access (Android 8 and up): The NINA alert app offers the option to copy the familiar siren tone to the smartphone. This authorization is required to enable copying. After copying is complete, the authorization can be removed again. Authorization is not required for the alert app to function.

Own Location: Alert messages for your current location are only possible when using GPS, WiFi and other geolocation services. If you have deactivated these services on your device, you will not receive location-related alerts.

You can only receive alerts and information with a data connection (via WLAN or mobile). If your device does not have a data connection, the latest status will be displayed on the device.


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