tech gadgets review
Kworld Trend / tech gadgets review
Your tech tools have an average trust score. Why? is likely to be legitimate because the degree of trust is reasonable. Our vector algorithm rated with a score of 68. The confidence score is based on 40 different data points we collected. From if contact details are hidden, to other websites on the same server, reviews we found online, etc. Although is rated Medium to Low Risk, we encourage you to always do your due diligence as the site is rated automatically. Check the site manually as well. You can use our article How to Identify a Fraudulent Website as a tool to guide you.
The shop have so many Sections:
- Smart Remote Control
- Smart Home
- Security Systems
- Smart Electronics
- Robot Vacuum Cleaners
- Smart LED Bulbs
- Wireless Chargers
- Kitchen Gadgets
- Phone Bags & Cases
- Phone Screen Protectors
- Mobile Phone Chargers
- Car Chargers
Positive highlights
- This site offers payment methods that allow you to get your money back
- This site appears to be selling products online (how to check if it’s a scam in a store)
- According to SSL, check the validity of the certificate
- DNSFilter considers this site secure
- Flashstart did not find any phishing malware
Negative highlights
- The website owner hides their WHOIS identity using a paid service
- This site does not have many visitors
- We found several low-ranking sites on the same server
- Many spammers and scammers use the same registrar
- No reviews found on commonly used review sites
Complete your tech tools review | tech gadgets review
Company evaluation
The owner of the site hides his identity. Spammers use this information to promote services to website owners. So some website owners have chosen to hide their contact details. However, it can also be misused by scammers. Our algorithm gives a high rating if the identity of the website owner is shown.
Webshop review
In our analysis we always check Tranco’s ranking. In this case it was low. Tranco’s low ranking means that the site has relatively few visitors. For a new website, this makes sense. The same is true for highly specialized websites. However, if the website claims to be a big company or a popular site, the warning flags should be raised.
Legitimate websites are often located on servers with many other secure websites. In this case, we have identified several untrusted websites hosted on the same server as the website. This may be a negative signal and as a result we have downgraded review. For other websites hosted on the same server, please check the Server tab at the bottom of this page tech gadgets review